Spiritual Lessons in Sorting Clothes

Spiritual Lessons in Sorting Clothes - Grace Fox

I want to keep only the clothing that looks good on me, and that means being ruthless about the rest. What a great analogy to the spiritual aspect of life!

Moving to a different house meant not only boxing my belongings—it also meant sorting them and either tossing or taking unneeded things to the thrift store. This was especially true about clothing.

As I packed, I asked myself, “Does this garment truly fit me anymore? Do I like the color? Does it suit me? Do I feel good when I wear it?” If the answer was yes, I kept it. If no, we parted ways.

I want to keep only the clothing that looks good on me, and that decision meant being ruthless about the rest. What a great analogy to the spiritual aspect of life!

Colossians 3:12-14 says:

12Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13You must make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Spiritual clothing

What spiritual clothing must Jesus’ followers put on? Mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Lots of love. When we don these garments, we draw attention not to ourselves, but to Jesus. Others are drawn to Him through us, and that brings Him great pleasure.

Let’s take a hard look at the spiritual clothing we wear. If it doesn’t match the characteristics in the above verses, then let’s be ruthless and get rid of it. Toss stuff like jealousy, envy, lustful thoughts, selfish ambition, pride, and the like. Those things don’t look good on anyone, least of all those who profess to follow Jesus Christ.

I sorted my clothing when we moved—eight years after the last move and major sort. Let’s not wait that long to sort our spiritual clothing—let’s make it a daily discipline thus keeping short accounts with God.

When we’re unsure about a specific attitude item, it likely needs to go. The Holy Spirit will give the wisdom needed to make the change.

Sort on, my friend.

Know you are loved,


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  1. This is truly kinda’ funny. That’s exactly what I’m doing now…..sorting clothing. I have hung on for years to those things which will never fit me again, but they are nice…..some of them, pretty. But they just hang there, and some are stored in dresser drawers. I never see them, unless I go in and look at them occasionally, thinking I am surely going to fit into them again, but I know I won’t. This is the time I’m taking them out for good, and someone else can have them. And I love the spiritual reference to the spiritual clothing, as I am also longing to be more gentle and kind, and loving and giving, etc. It doesn’t matter that I’m a “few” pounds heavier than I was when I was just married, or, first saved. (ha, a few) What matters is that I go forward from here, and besides, I could use the space for “now” stuff that looks good on me. Thanks, Grace, I can really relate to this………………..right now!!!!! Boy, is my life changing since I connected up with you, and began to “connect the dots”. Sing Glory and Praise to the Lord !!!!! Hallalujah !!!!!

    1. Yeah, Marge! You go, girl. And you’ve just challenged me to go back into my closets and drawers and do MORE sorting. I know there’s stuff hiding that I seldom wear, and someone else could make better use of these items. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words about connecting the dots. They’ll give me fuel for my fire as I hunker down and write in isolation over the summer. How did you first hear about me, anyway?

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