Every Day Brings Reason to Celebrate

Every Day Brings Reason to Celebrate - Grace Fox

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (James 1:17)

Yesterday marked my birthday. Oodles of friends sent well wishes. One of them said, “I pray that your day will be filled with lots of little God-gifts.” God answered her prayer with a yes.

Here are thirteen gifts God sent me:

  1. Health. He gave me the ability to get out of bed on my own, do yard work for an hour, and then exercise at the gym. Not everyone can do that.
  2. Breath. Without His filling my lungs and pumping my heart, I wouldn’t have lasted the day.
  3. Vision. Without sight, I wouldn’t have done my yard work. Neither would I have driven to the gym. Or to my son’s house. Or watched my grandkids splash in their wading pool.
  4. Hearing. My youngest grandson said “Grandma” for the first time!
  5. Friends. A girlfriend from Saskatchewan dropped by for tea and fruit salad. Dozens more connected momentarily via Facebook.
  6. Skype. My husband’s in Poland now, but we enjoyed a half hour conversation because technology spans oceans and time zones.
  7. Appliances. A washer and dryer did my laundry. So different from the days I lived in Nepal where laundry was washed on a stone in an irrigation ditch.
  8. Water. I turned on the kitchen faucet and presto—clean drinking water. The majority of the world’s population can’t fathom the ease.
  9. Food. The abundance of food in my fridge meant making a choice about what to eat for lunch. Again, much of the world’s population would love to be in my position.
  10. Family. My son (who lives nearby) baked brownies and cooked me a BBQ hamburger for supper. My daughters (far away) texted, phoned, and Facetimed. My sons-in-law even Facetimed and phoned. How fortunate I am to enjoy a good relationship with all of them.
  11. Babies. I got to snuggle with my three-day-old granddaughter, Ruth Amy. She’s living proof of God’s existence.
  12. Children. I attended church soccer camp with my grandkids. Connecting with them in their world brought joy and laughter.
  13. Love. One well-wisher sent me an e-card containing this verse: “You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and he has chosen you to be his own special treasure from all the nations of the earth” (Deuteronomy 14:2). What an awesome privilege to be counted as one of God’s special treasures.

This list reminds me to live life with eyes wide open, aware of God’s presence and goodness in my life every day, even in the little things. Scripture reminds me of the same:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17).

Good and perfect heaven-sent gifts fill our lives not just on birthdays, but every day. And that gives us reason to celebrate.

How about you?

What gifts can you celebrate today?

Know you are loved,


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  1. Hey! All those things are so vitally important in life. I absorbed all this, for we need to be aware of the blessings God does bestow upon our lives, and upon us, and in our hearts. You know, Grace, it looks like your friends and family are in tune with God, in tune with life; the living! You are Blessed!
    May it always be! Kindness and giving always reap the benefits, and love covers………it can overtake a world.

    I woke up thanking God for clean water……after seeing a few reports from around the world, where there simply is no clean water to drink, or they walk miles to get it.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grace! You are Blessed to be exactly where God has brought you to be, on this very day……………and in this moment!!!!!!!
    Hallalujah! He covers you with his hand; he blesses your coming in and your going out…………………………..GRACE to YOU!!!! Happy Birthday.

    1. I like your comment re: “we need to be aware of the blessings God bestows upon our lives and upon us.” That’s so true. We need to live life with our eyes and ears wide open so we don’t miss them or take them for granted. Thanks for the birthday wishes, my friend. Have a great day!

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