10 Prayers to Pray on Our Kids’ Behalf

10 Prayers to Pray on Our Kids' Behalf - Grace Fox

Anxious for your kids’ well-being? Here are 10 prayers to acknowledge our dependency upon God and then bringing specific requests to Him on their behalf.

So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayers. (Ezra 8:23)

What concerns you most about your kids’ well-being?

Maybe you’re a mom with a little one headed to kindergarten next month, and you’re worried that he’ll be bullied or get hurt on the playground. Perhaps your teen is bound for college in a few weeks and you’re afraid she’ll fall into bad company. Besides that, who will be there for her if she gets sick? Maybe your son or daughter is in the military and you’re naturally concerned for his/her safety overseas.

As for me, my youngest daughter is getting married in eight days and then moving to another province to begin a two-year Master’s Degree in occupational therapy. I feel a tad anxious about the prospect of her facing numerous huge changes within a short time period. Imagine—getting married, moving to a new city, starting a Master’s program, and her husband having to find a job…all within three weeks.

Ezra’s story

This morning I found encouragement in Ezra’s story. He and his people faced a God-given assignment. They humbled themselves before the Lord by fasting, and they asked Him to give them a safe journey and to protect them, their children, and their goods as they travelled.

God heard and answered:

“And the gracious hand of our God protected us and saved us from enemies and bandits along the way. So we arrived safely in Jerusalem, where we rested for three days” (Ezra 8:21-32).

When we struggle with fear over our kids’ well-being, we can follow Ezra’s example by acknowledging our dependency upon God and then bringing specific requests to Him on their behalf.

Here are ten suggested prayers:

  • Pray for our kids’ physical safety wherever they go.
  • Pray for the protection of their minds from the infiltration of society’s ungodly influences.
  • Pray for their ability to run from temptation.
  • Pray that they’ll get caught when they do something they shouldn’t.
  • Pray for them to enjoy wholesome friendships.
  • Pray for them to be peacemakers.
  • Pray for them to love mercy, seek justice, and walk humbly with God.
  • Pray that they’ll develop a love for God’s Word.
  • Pray that they’ll develop a sense of God’s presence with them throughout each day.
  • Pray that they’ll be filled with godly wisdom and discernment.

Pray and trust

We pray, and then we trust God to answer and work out His purposes in our kids’ lives. Easier said than done sometimes.

As I think of my daughter facing so many rapid and major changes, I pray and then choose to believe that God’s watching out for her. She loves the Lord, and He loves her. He will strengthen her for the journey ahead. I believe the same is true for your kids. He loves them deeply, and He’s at work in their lives.

Join me in this journey of trusting God with our kids’ well-being, okay? Let’s be faithful to pray on their behalf, and then trust Him to answer.


What is the most common prayer you pray on your kids’ behalf?

How have you seen God answer?

Know you are loved,


About Grace Fox, speaker, author
Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

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    1. Yes! I love this story. For word count sake, I couldn’t go into the whole story, but there’s another part that talks about how Ezra didn’t want to ask for human protection for the trip. He’d already told the people that God was on their side, so to ask for human protection would have looked as though He was insufficient to meet their needs. Lots of applications for that.

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