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An Unexpected Heaven–Sent Gift

An Unexpected Heaven--Sent Gift - Grace Fox

Sometimes the Lord surprises us with unexpected gifts. This week has been one of those for me. It was a sacred moment. A moment that awed me by God’s goodness.

Last Monday I traveled to Vancouver Island at a friend’s invitation. Together with four other women, I’ve been staying in someone’s seaside “cottage.” This cottage is larger than my house by far, and the owners graciously lent its use rent-free for the entire week.

Transported to another time and place

Tuesday morning I poured a cup of coffee and curled up with my Bible and journal. I looked out the picture windows at the white-capped waves, and my thoughts transported me to another time and place.

We lived in Washington state, my husband’s birthplace, from 1985-1996. Gene worked as a civil engineer during that time. His income, combined with a generous loan from his parents, enabled us to buy lakefront property and build a house on it.

From the get-go, we asked the Lord to make our home a place of rest for missionaries on home assignment. He answered our prayers, and we hosted Kingdom-builders from countries including the Philippines, Nepal, Japan, and Kenya. Taking it a step further, we designed the daylight basement so we could use it as a self-contained suite for extended missionary stays after our kids left home.

But God had other plans

He directed us into a career Christian camping ministry in 1996, which meant selling the four-year-old house. It also meant giving up Gene’s engineering income to live on faith support. That was seventeen years ago.

We’re still in career ministry, currently directing International Messengers Canada. And we’re still dependent on faith support for income. Frankly, the thought of ever owning a waterfront home again, one that could provide a unique getaway for missionaries on home assignment seems, well, unattainable.

Sometimes I wrestle with that reality, and I pray for God to do the impossible. To work a modern-day miracle so I can again offer hospitality to His servants wearied and weathered by ministry’s stress and strain.

The tables have turned

Tuesday morning I sat with Bible and journal in hand, recalling my dream to provide an environment where missionaries can find refreshment.

And then the thought struck me:

The tables have turned. I’m the missionary needing rest, and someone has opened her home to me for that purpose. I’m a recipient of the very gift I’ve always wanted to give to others.

The realization moved me to tears. A sacred moment, that was. A moment that awed me by God’s goodness.

Imagine—several days in a beautiful home surrounded by beautiful friends of like mind. Exactly what my body and soul needed. A simple thank-you hardly seems enough.


What gift has the Lord given you recently?

Know you are loved,


Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

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Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

The news headlines tell us that we’re living in unbelievably chaotic days. My latest devotional books provide biblical hope and encouragement when our minds feel like they’re on overload.

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  1. Hi Grace,

    I was moved to tears when I read this! What a wonderful blessing it is to have that place to rest and be refreshed, But extra special because you once provided that and now you were on the recipient end. Now you really know the blessing from both aspects! You really understand! The need is great!

    I will soon be the recipient of such a blessing! I have a friend in Portugal who is involved with missionary care. They have a vision of restoring a camp/ retreat center for the purpose of missionaries in Europe and Northern Africa to receive counseling, to rest, to be renewed and be restored. They are praying for people to join them both financially and actually join them to be a part of the team. I will be going there next month!

    1. I’m glad you’ll have a chance to catch some R&R. Your friends’ ministry is sooo important. I hope everything works out well with their endeavour.

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