Following God’s Directives Brings Peace

Help! I'm Looking for Peace! - Grace Fox

When we follow our own path, we doubt His integrity and intent. We end up striving to make things happen the way we want. Ultimately, we lose our peace.

Several years ago, I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me to get involved with business women in my community. That mere thought scared me. I don’t speak their language. This is way beyond my comfort zone, I argued.

The Holy Spirit continued to prod. I caved and began tiptoeing into the business community by attending their monthly luncheons. Months passed, and then He told me to host a weekend retreat for these gals, most of whom were unbelievers.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I asked.

Waiting for the Spirit

I stalled for months, waiting for the Spirit to write His marching orders on the wall. Either that or change His mind and give me an easier assignment. My plan failed. The only thing that happened was this—I lost my peace.

It shouldn’t have surprised me. After all, Isaiah 48:17-18 says,

“The LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, says, ‘I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is good and leads you along the paths you should follow. Oh, that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling like waves.’”

God is good. He’s also wise. Loving. Holy. Faithful. Sovereign. Omnipotent. He knows everything about us, and He’s developed unique plans—good plans—for each of us. Because of who He is, we can trust Him to fulfill them for our good and His glory.

Sometimes, however, we choose to follow our own path. We doubt His integrity and intent toward us.

What happens next?

We end up striving to make things happen the way we want, and that never goes well. Ultimately, we lose our peace. I speak from experience.

  • My daily quiet time became a chore rather than a delight.
  • I lost the sense of God’s nearness.
  • I lost my ability to hear His whispers throughout the day.

My peace had taken flight, and I knew why—I was walking in disobedience. The only way to restore peace was to change my direction and walk on the path God had placed before me.

How about you?

How’s your peace quotient today? Is it flowing like a gentle river through your soul? Or has it dried up like a stream in summer drought?

If the latter, ask the Holy Spirit to examine your heart and show you what needs to change. If He reveals disobedience in your life—an unconfessed sin, a refusal to accept a God-given assignment, unforgiveness toward someone who’s hurt you, a sin of omission—then don’t waste another second.

Change your direction. Listen to what God’s saying, and do it.

Know you are loved,


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  1. As always God is always on time!! The past few days I have not felt the presence of God. And all I have been able to do is cry out and say “God where are you” I know we go through test but when you can’t feel him it’s the loneliest feeling!! Praise God he is so good! Pray for me my dear friend!!

  2. You’re in good company when you say it’s lonely when you can’t feel God’s presence. David felt the same. His example of pouring out his heart to God during those times is one we can follow. “Father, I thank You for never leaving us. Even though our emotions tell us otherwise, You are always there. Always. This week, would You kindly show Mandy that You are with her? Do something sweet and special in that regard for her, okay?”

  3. Grace I feel like the Holy Spirit is calling me to open my home on the water as a one night/one day retreat to 4 mothers in our church who have lost their adult children. My biggest challenge is knowing when to discuss it with my husband. Please pray for me to start… and finish what the Lord is calling me to do at my home for hurting mothers. God bless you! Love, Debbie

  4. Hey, Debbie, that sounds wonderful. “Father, if this sense is truly from You then give Debbie wisdom to know when to talk with her husband about it, and grant him an open and willing heart to say yes. Grant her YOUR vision and the faithfulness to walk it out. In Jesus name, amen.”

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