
God is Always Right, Even In the Shadows

God is Always Right, Even In the Shadows - Grace Fox

God is right in everything He does. He’s right when He leads us down those sunlit paths, and He’s no less right when those paths lead into the dark places.

“…the Lord our God is right in everything he does.” (Daniel 9:14 NCV)

Life is stinkin’ hard sometimes. Sooner or later, we walk through the shadows where mystery shrouds our understanding. Our faith tells us that God is still in control, but sometimes our pain causes us to question His ways, and—dare I say it? —doubt His wisdom and intent toward us.

How easy it is to express gratitude and trust in God when our journey leads along a sunlit path. When doors fling open and circumstances fall neatly into place. When our monthly bills are paid with a little extra left. When our loved ones flourish. When our health is good and personal dreams come true. When everything’s honky-dory, we find it easy to praise God for who He is and thank Him for all He’s done.

But faith tests come when our path takes a detour into the dark.

Joseph walked that path after his brothers sold him into slavery. Later, false accusations landed him in prison. (Genesis 37-40)

Naomi made that journey when her husband and two sons died. (Ruth 1)

David—anointed by God to become ruler over Israel—experienced it when jealous King Saul chased him through the wilderness. (1 Samuel 21-23)

Detours happen. Now, during the pandemic and civil unrest, millions have found themselves in the shadows. Mystery surrounds our understanding of what’s happening and what’s yet to come. Our only hope lies in our loving God.

We hope in God because…

He is eternal, the Alpha and Omega, the Author of mankind’s story. He knows the conclusion. He knows the purposes He wants to accomplish and how to bring them to pass. This applies to the entire world stage as well as to our individual lives.

Some folks look at current events and shake their head in bewilderment. Some raise their fists in defiance. Some go on with life, determined to make the most of every day while others retreat in fear.

May I encourage you today with Daniel’s words?

God is right in everything He does.

He’s right when He leads us down those sunlit paths, and He’s no less right when those paths lead into the dark places.

God is never wrong

Max Lucado expresses it well in his book, Traveling Light:

“God is never wrong. He has never rendered a wrong decision, experienced the wrong attitude, taken the wrong path, said the wrong thing, or acted the wrong way. He is never too late or too early, too loud or too soft, too fast or too slow. He has always been and always will be right. He is righteous.”

God is either in control of all or not at all. And His ways are right and good because He is righteous and good.

So, what does that mean to you and me right now? It means we can trust Him implicitly and not be afraid. Now’s the time to put our faith into action and discover what it means to rest in Him, to be still and know that He is God.

May I Pray For You?

“Father, You know the questions, the hurts, the joys, fears, and hopes both expressed and held secretly in the heart. Because of who You are, I ask that You meet our needs today. Instill confidence that You are in control, and You are right in all You do. Grant courage and faith to trust You in all things whether understood or shrouded in mystery. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

How about you?

Tell us about a time when your path led into the shadows. What brought hope in that place?

Know you are loved,


Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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  1. Grace, Grateful for good wishes expressed via your posts.
    One (or two) of times , when “path” ended in “the shadows” ..Our Lord. did bring encouagement, as through Scripture :”Never will I leave you, or forsake you.”
    Also, — words ” I AM. ALpha & Omega” , (during recent shadow-time, in my senior years) .. A thought to bring degree of confidence. ??

  2. Thanks for posting these encouraging reminders from Scripture, Emma. We need reminders to keep us looking up and moving forward with hope 🙂

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