Hanging onto Hope Like a Knotted Rope

Hanging onto Hope - Grace Fox

Life with its uncertainties can feel scary at times, but I hang onto hope by focusing on God’s promises, His faithfulness, and His sovereignty.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13 ESV)

Does anyone remember the poster of a kitten dangling from a knotted rope, its claws embedded in the fibrous nub? It’s still a favorite of mine because it represents how I’ve felt on several occasions.

  • When we had to make a quick exit from Nepal within days of my giving birth to a wee daughter with a heart defect and hydrocephalus (too much water on the brain). The international airline refused to issue me a ticket because I’d had a Caesarean section and it considered me a high medical risk. Gene took our baby back to the States and I was left behind not knowing whether or not I’d see her alive again.
  • When our family was seriously underfunded while working at a year-round Christian camp. We hit a breaking point when our car’s transmission blew as I was driving out of town with the same daughter, now graduated from high school and bound for Bible college. Cha-ching. The repair job delayed our trip for several days. During that time, one of my molars broke and required a crown. Cha-ching. When we picked up the car, the repair guy noted that our tires needed to be replaced. He was right. Cha-ching.
  • When my dad suffered two massive strokes within three weeks. My youngest daughter was about twelve years old and scheduled for surgery within days of the second event, so Gene stayed home while I headed to Alberta. I was torn between wanting to be present for my child but feeling I needed to support my parents in crisis. To top it off, we couldn’t afford a plane ticket, so I drove through the snowy Rockies in December.

Hang onto Hope

The picture of the kitten dangling from a rope also describes how I’ve felt occasionally during this pandemic. Life with all its uncertainties can feel scary at times, but I hang onto hope for a favorable outcome by focusing on God’s promises, His faithfulness, and His sovereignty.

The world appears out of control, but God is still in control. Nothing can happen to us corporately or individually without His permission. And if He gives permission for something difficult to strike us, then He will give us the grace to endure.

Hope is our lifeline

Luci Swindoll writes,

“Faithful Father, hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline between me and you. I receive it as my own and hang on to it for dear life, trusting you will provide all I need for whatever I will face. Amen.”

I like Luci’s statement, “…hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline.” No matter what happens, we can ride the storm filled and abounding with hope that comes from focusing on the truth of who God is and His promises to us. Let’s receive that spiritual lifeline as our own and hang on to it for dear life trusting that God will give us everything we need for whatever comes our way.

Know you are loved,


Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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  1. Grace, I used to have that poster! So very true. I loved that quote from Luci about the unbreakable spiritual lifeline.
    Thanks for the reminder to hold on to God, His faithfulness, His word and His promises.

  2. Oh the times i thought I was going through things alone to now look back to see that in my hanging on tightly to the end of the rope, Jesus was under me the entire time ready to catch me if i fell. I was never alone.

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