Here’s the Truth About Missionaries

Here's the Truth About Missionaries - Grace Fox

I’ve met some incredible people and learned more than a few rich life lessons from them along the way. One of those lessons–the truth about missionaries.

My husband and I have been involved in career missions for nearly twenty years. We spent three years in Nepal, eleven years at Camp Homewood off Vancouver Island, and we’ve worked with International Messengers with a focus on Eastern Europe for the past 4.5 years.

The past two decades have been a white-knuckle ride in many ways, but a journey I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’ve met some incredible people and learned more than a few rich life lessons from them along the way.

One of those lessons—the truth about missionaries.


  • They’re strong-willed. God hard-wired them so. Without a strong will, they’d either kiss the field goodbye when the going gets rough or they’d never consider missions in the first place.
  • They’re brave. I know several individuals/couples working in closed countries. Their visas could be revoked and they’d be uprooted at any time, yet they’re willing to live in uncertainty and potential danger. And speaking of danger, how about driving conditions in other countries where rules of the road don’t mean much? I remember bus rides in the Himalayan mountain where we rumbled across landslides, screeched around hairpin curves, and chugged to altitudes on roads that guaranteed certain death if the driver made a mistake or the brakes failed.
  • They’re intelligent. It takes smarts to learn other languages and to connect with people from other cultures and backgrounds.
  • They’re flexible. They adapt to life without familiar conveniences. They adjust to different perspectives about the concept of time. They function in cultures where promises don’t stick.
  • They’re humble. They know they can’t fulfill their calling in their own strength. They’re okay with admitting their dependency on God for wisdom, safety, health, and finances.
  • They’re overworked. Ever wonder why you don’t hear from your missionaries more often? It’s because they’re struggling to balance family life with ministry demands with the time it takes to perform simple, routine tasks to survive. They’d love to holiday for a break, but finances are usually too tight. And so they plug on albeit weary in head and heart.
  • They’re imperfect. Missionaries make mistakes. They sometimes say things they regret. They sometimes struggle in their marriages. They sometimes struggle to maintain spiritual freshness. And they often struggle in their relationships with coworkers. (That’s where the strong-willed characteristic isn’t a plus).
  • They’re rare. “When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.’” (Matt. 9:36-38)

Pray for missionaries, please. And pray for more of them.  The harvest is great; the workers are few. Will you send? Will you go?

(Hey, have I got an opportunity for you! International Messengers Canada and USA are seeking summer volunteers for two-week commitments in Eastern Europe. Check out

Know you are loved,


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  1. Hey Grace,
    We’re planning a mission’s trip to Mexico from Feb 16 – 29, 2012. We are going to spend time in a high school talking and helping the students with their English. We need more people with a loving heart that can speak English to go spend time with high school students showing them the love of God. It’s a simple task and will cost less than $500.00 Cdn. Do you know anyone that would like to go with us???
    Thanks for your life and testimony. Love, Vicky

    1. Hi Vicky. I don’t know of anyone off hand. Sounds like you’ll be doing a great work there. If I hear of anyone interested, I’ll pass along your name. Blessings!

  2. Grace
    Picked up your article in a church yesterday and it helped greatly in a testing time we are having.
    Mighty Blessings and thanks to you!!
    Syd and Liz Doyle

  3. Grace, so much insight. We just passed 25 years working in Eastern Europe this week, and it has been such a super-hard but so rewarding life just trusting God one day at a time. I can really relate with the overworked and imperfect part of the list, but I’m still wanting to become more humble and brave. My mom says that she knows now why I was so strong-willed! May God bless you as you bless so many others!

    1. Yes, Karla–God probably hardwired you to be strong-willed so you could persevere in ministry through thick and thin (entwined with His strength). We so appreciate your ministry in Eastern Europe. You’re doing a great work there. Know you are loved.

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