How to Ensure We Make Wise Decisions

How to Ensure We Make Wise Decisions - Grace Fox

The methods God uses to communicate with us are endless. We simply need ears to hear and a heart that’s willing to accept His answer.

Decisions we make can change the course of our lives—sometimes for good and sometimes for the not-so-good. For that reason, we need to exercise wisdom in making those decisions. This is especially true when our emotions are involved or when we’re overtired. It’s true, too, if we’re impulsive by nature. Or if we’re feeling pressured by peers, by time, or by finances.

So how can we be sure the decisions we make are wise? By asking the Lord to show us what to do and trusting that He’ll answer our prayer.

In this regard, I appreciate the words King Jehoshaphat of Judah spoke to King Ahab of Israel.

King Ahab wanted to recover the land of Ramoth-gilead, so he’d asked King Jehoshaphat to join him in this endeavor. King Jehoshaphat replied,

“Why, of course! You and I are as one, and my troops are your troops. We will certainly join you in battle.” Then he added, “But first let’s find out what the LORD says” (2 Chronicles 18:4).

I fully believe that God doesn’t mess with our heads or our hearts. If we’ve placed our faith in Jesus for salvation, then He’s our heavenly Father and we are His adopted children. Would He not care for us and want us to do well? Of course He would.

So long as our hearts are intent on honoring Christ in all things, we can be confident that God will be faithful to guide us. Let’s remember, then, to keep Him in the equation when we’re making decisions. Especially when wonderful-sounding opportunities come our way, let’s take time to find out what He says about them.

The methods God uses to communicate with us are endless. We simply need ears to hear and a heart that’s willing to accept His answer.

Know you are loved,


About Grace Fox, speaker, author
Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

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  1. Grace, something interesting happened in my life since last Tuesday. On Monday, there were tornadoes in Saskatchewan heading towards Manitoba. Our daughter prayed that God would re-direct those tornadoes and they would not come near to Brandon, but they would go elsewhere. Well, they did. I then thought that this was God’s way of telling us that we could go ahead and attend our grand-daughter’s wedding in B.C., as the way was made clear. We started out on Tuesday, and we made it part way when my husband said that he believes we should turn around and go back, and not proceed to B.C. I pulled over and we talked, and I felt I needed to listen to him, so we went back. Later that night, I became quite ill and was sick up til 4:30 a.m. and am just back on my feet today (Thurs.) Things feel different, and I am thinking of the scripture: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”. Something new was coming to me on this. Yes, we can do all….etc., but what if that does not mean that we should do things that were not meant for us. I really feel that it was not right for us to drive out to B.C. at this time. I feel it was important to listen to my husband…….that he heard from God….via the Holy Spirit. God would help me sky-dive (and I’ve been tempted), but I don’t think it would be right for me, and I wouldn’t want that now. Some things don’t belong to me, and what he has given me, he will always help me with. It was a bunch of jumbled thoughts that went around in my mind for awhile there, and now it’s straightening out.(he will make our paths straight). I recognize that we are on a new path now, and that we don’t belong back where we used to be. In fact, I found a little book you’ve written, “One minute Romances for Couples”, and we can relate head on to that right now. Hope no one’s offended but we don’t feel the need to please our children and friends so much now as we feel the need to enjoy our relationship in this hour and this day. That is the example we want them to follow, and it was hard to give up trying to do a lot of stuff which we thought would “please” them.
    Truly the Lord is faithful, when we have ears to hear. God gave married couples to oneanother so they could relate, communicate, and walk together. God speaks through each one… the other.

    1. Thanks for sharing wisdom, Marge. I appreciate that you respected your husband when he said he felt you shouldn’t go to BC. I also appreciate that you value your marriage and want to invest in it.

      When you wrote about your husband saying he felt as though you weren’t to go to BC, I immediately thought about a situation my parents faced about 16 years ago. They lived in Alberta and planned to drive to Vancouver Island to visit my family. They began the trip three times, but the furthest they drove was about six hours from home. Each time, my dad said there was something wrong with the car and he didn’t think they should drive it that far. Each time he took it to a mechanic who found nothing wrong with the vehicle. After the third time they phoned to tell me they’d canceled, I felt quite exasperated (this all happened within the space of a week). But a few days after the third cancellation, my dad suffered a major stroke and was hospitalized in ICU for three weeks. A week after he returned home from the hospital, he suffered a second massive stroke. If they’d driven to BC as they planned, he would have been on Vancouver Island and I doubt they would have been able to return home. Oh, how we thanked God later that Dad listened to the intuition He’d placed in his heart.

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