What’s the Big Deal About the Holy Spirit?

What's the Big Deal About the Holy Spirit? - Grace Fox

There’s no way a blog can sum up the Holy Spirit’s role and importance in a believer’s life, but it can leave us with a few nuggets on which to ponder.

So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit…If we are living now by the Holy Spirit, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. (Galatians 5:16, 25 NLT)

Last year our small group studied  Forgotten God by Francis Chan. That literary gem helped me become more aware of the Holy Spirit’s role, and it continues to revolutionize my life in many ways.

On the weekend I visited a church where the pastor preached on Galatians 5. His words reminded me again about the Holy Spirit and how important it is to be aware of His presence and power.

Holy Spirit’s role in our lives

As a result of his message, here’s what I’m pondering today regarding the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of those who follow Jesus:

  • His presence means we’re never, ever alone. In the darkest night—literally and figuratively—He’s there for us and with us, enabling us to face our circumstances with courage.
  • He guides us. When faced with major decisions, we needn’t worry about whether or not we’ll choose the best path. He either gives us confidence to move forward, or a cautionary check to wait or change direction.
  • He gives us wisdom. As humans with limited understanding, we don’t have all the answers. But He does. And He gladly shares that wisdom with us when we ask for it.
  • He convicts us of sin. We don’t always appreciate that, but without it we’d be spiritual wrecks, unable to enjoy intimacy with God.
  • He prays on our behalf. When faced with a need so large or painful that words escape us, the Spirit stands in the gap for us.
  • He makes us more like Jesus. That’s what the fruit of the Spirit is all about, right? The more the Holy Spirit fills us, the more patient we become. The more joy and peace we experience and radiate. The more goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness we exhibit. It has nothing to do with our ability to trump up these qualities (as if we could do this on our own), but everything to do with the Spirit’s power at work in us.

There’s no way a blog can sum up the Holy Spirit’s role and importance in a believer’s life, but it can leave us with a few nuggets on which to ponder.

How about you?

Which one of the above points do you find most helpful or encouraging in your current circumstances?

Know you are loved,


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