You and Your Unique Gifts Make a Difference

You and Your Unique Gifts Make a Difference - Grace Fox

Every member of Christ’s Body benefits when we discover, develop, and use our gifts. But the opposite is also true: the Body suffers when we fail to use them.

You matter, my friend. You might feel as though you have little to offer or don’t make a difference, but don’t believe that for a moment. You are unique. You are gifted. You are one-of-a-kind. And the Body of Christ, also called the family of God, needs you.

Think about it this way: Our physical bodies are creative masterpieces. We have teeny parts invisible to the naked eye—cells and neurons and DNA. We have major organs—the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys. We have parts obvious to all—our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and limbs.

God created every part of our physical bodies to serve a specific purpose.

Imagine what life might look like if suddenly our ears or eyes quit working. Imagine the challenges we’d face if we suffered a brain trauma or spinal cord injury. Imagine the impact on our health is our kidneys or liver stopped functioning.

God created every part of us for a specific purpose, and every part is necessary for the body to function well. So it is with the Body of Christ. Every part, or person, plays a necessary role, and the Body’s well-being depends on it.

God equipped some people as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11). He created some as exhorters to encourage others to lead victorious Christian lives. He made some to give generously from their time and resources, others to lead, some to lend a hand in practical ways, and others to show compassion (Romans 12:3-8).

We’re all uniquely gifted and not by accident.

Every member of Christ’s Body benefits when we discover, develop, and use our gifts. But the opposite is also true: the Body suffers when we fail to use them.

We might hesitate to exercise our gifts because we believe that we have nothing to contribute. We might fear failure or become overly concerned about what others think of us. We might fall into the comparison trap by looking with envy at others’ giftedness.

Let’s remember that Jesus is the Head of the Body and our role is to align ourselves with His purposes.

He wants every part of His Body to contribute to its growth and health. No matter what role we play, our participation is important and makes a difference.

Every member of Christ’s Body matters. You matter, friend. So together let’s joyfully do our part to keep His Body healthy and strong.

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT)

How about you?

Based on Romans 12:3-8, what is your unique role(s) in helping Christ’s Body to function well?

I’ll start: I believe my role is to exhort—to encourage others to lead a victorious Christian life. Your turn!

Know you are loved,


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  1. Your question is making me think – I once would have quickly said my gift was teaching because that was my profession. I knew it was a gift given me . But then I retired , moved away from normal” life, have my own “thorn” that makes me wary of being physically close to people until I feel safe sharing with them, and so I’ve wondered who I am in this season, how I can contribute to others . I think it’s now to be an encourager to both unsaved and saved friends . Be a positive light , a listener, kind, a friend, and hospitable. Remember to pray for people when I tell them I will, to send notes and verses , to not be negative. Romans 12:8″… if it is to encourage, then give encouragement”

    1. Thanks for responding, Becky. Thanks for recognizing and using your gift of encouragement. People need encouragement and hope these days, and they’re fortunate to have you speak it into their lives.

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