Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus

Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus - Grace Fox

Jesus wants relationship with His followers. He wants us to slow down, step out of the “busy boat,” and spend time in His presence.

The disciples had fished all night and caught nothing. Surely they must have felt exhausted and defeated. But their discouragement didn’t last for long because – wonder of wonders – Jesus showed up and cooked breakfast on the beach for His buddies (John 21:1-13). What a glorious way to begin a new day!

I love the picture Scripture paints of Jesus

It shows us that He was a friend tuned into others’ needs. He was intentional about spending time with them. He was also a servant: “When the disciples got to shore, they saw that a charcoal fire was burning and fish were frying over it, and there was bread…then Jesus served them the bread and the fish.”

A few days prior, this same Jesus had been crucified and buried. Then He rose victorious from the grave, conquering death once for all. He could have been celebrating His victory on a throne in heaven, surrounded by millions of angels. Instead, He bent over a fire on the beach and fried fish for His friends.

What a picture of Christ’s divine humanity! What a model of humility. This picture moves me to gratitude for the privilege of serving a Master who cares for His followers as He does.

Jesus wants to spend time with you too

It also reminds me that, in the midst of the busyness of life, Jesus wants relationship with His followers. He wants us to slow down, to step out of the “busy boat,” and to spend time in His presence – talking, enjoying each other, discussing concerns and delights, and praying together.

Do we respect His wishes? Do we spend time with Him as we would a good friend?

When life gets so busy that it threatens to crowd out our quiet time with Jesus, let’s remember this picture from John 21. Let’s recall Jesus waiting on the beach for His friends as dawn broke, with a meal prepared to meet their needs.

He’s waiting for us in the same way. Let’s go to Him, spend time with Him, and delight in His presence.

Know you are loved,


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