
Car Wrecks, God’s Provision, and Faith Stories

Car Wrecks and Faith Stories - Grace Fox

Telling our faith stories to the younger generations is vital so that they might open their hearts to the Lord and learn to love, obey, and trust Him.

I get to spend the weekend with our son and his family. Every time we visit, our grandkids ask this question: “Grandma, would you please tell us a story from your life?”

What an invitation to share a faith story! This time I’ll tell them about how God provided a different car following our accident on October 31.

Old and wrecked

Our 14-year-old Toyota Matrix served us well for countless miles. Exactly how many miles is unknown because the odometer stopped about three years ago when it rolled over to 299,999 km, but we suspect they surpassed 400,000.

Several weeks ago the car started making bad sounds. On Canadian Thanksgiving weekend as we drove home from sightseeing with our kids, we wondered whether we’d be stranded beside the highway. We gave thanks for having towing insurance.

Then the clutch broke. And the oil needed changing. And the windshield wipers needed replacing.

We’d barely finished getting the repairs made when we ended up in a four-car pileup. Guess what? The car was totalled.

My husband and I have witnessed God do some pretty amazing things or us, His kids. Recalling His faithfulness gave us the courage to trust Him to provide a replacement vehicle. How He would do so with our limited budget was anyone’s guess.

Here’s what He did

Our daughter Stephanie decided to launch a GoFundMe campaign. Several donations brought in more than a thousand dollars. Our car insurance paid double what we expected. When we told the clerk about the new clutch, she added 80% of that repair’s cost.

One of my readers  sent an e-transfer. And a local couple said, “God has impressed us to help you financially. This is good timing. When you find the car you want and know what’s left to be paid after you crunch the numbers, then let us know and we’ll make up the difference.”

God has once again blown us away with His provision. He’s given us a different car (a 2010 Toyota Matrix with only 104,000 km), and He spared us from having to make monthly payments. As missionaries living on faith support, that is a HUGE blessing.

I can hardly wait to share this faith story with the grandkids

Psalm 78:4 says,

“We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did.”

Telling our faith stories to the younger generations is vital so that they might open their hearts to the Lord and learn to love, obey, and trust Him. As the psalmist writes:

“So each generation can set its hope anew on God, remembering his glorious miracles and obeying his commands” (Psalm 78:7).

My eldest granddaughter has asked me to put my stories into a book. I’ve already included many in my devotions, but they’re scattered here and there. Maybe it’s time to collect them into one place as a legacy for my family and as a means of bringing glory to God.

How about you?

If a little person asked you to tell a faith story, what story would you tell?

Know you are loved,


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  1. The lord has done so many things like this for us. Being in full time ministry as you said can be hard, it really puts your faith to the test. A little story about what happened to us. We are the sole care takers for my mother-in-law who had a stroke a year ago this past October. We had just found out I was pregnant in September before this happened. She spent over 100 days in rehab and then we brought her home with us in February. We sold our car and my grandmother passed away and had left me some money in her will. All the money that we had received we had to pay out for a caretaker. I was having to work and so was my husband. And we knew when I had our baby boy I was gonna stay home because we didn’t want to send him to daycare. My husband was working endless nights to get the ministry up and going. We was doing exactly what God told us to do. So we got down to the point we couldn’t pay our bills. Bill collectors were calling, medical bills got turned over to collections, they were coming to turn our power off. Someone blessed us and paid our electric bill for the month praise the lord for that! Also the same day they were gonna cut our power off homehealth that was coming to help with my mother-in-law said they therapy was discharging her because she was making no progress. I admit I just broke down crying I said lord what’s going on. My husband called me in his office and we just held each other and cried.We had just enough money for our house payment for one more month that’s it all the money was gone. About 2 hours later he gets a phone call from a “spiritual dad” of ours. This man is a Prophet and a mighty man of God. He said he was praying and the Holy Spirit told him to call us and ask to borrow $300, (again all we had was house payment money) my husband called me into his office and told me what was going on and IMMEDIATELY a load lifted off of me I said give it to him. I don’t care if we have to take out of our sons piggy bank or go pick change up off the sidewalks. GIVE HIM THE MONEY! So we did. The next day I called to cash in my retirement, that when I quit work was only supposed to be for a $1,000. So I called l, the lady pulled my information up and she said do you want to cash it out or roll it over I said I have to cash it out and I need it as quickly as possible. She said ok you will be getting a check in the mail in 2-3 business days for $15,000 and we will take taxes out so you don’t have to worry about that at the end of the year!!! My mouth dropped and I said ma’am it’s not supposed to be that much and she said yes it is and she checked the numbers again!!!! I got off the phone I started shouting and praising the lord because I knew EXACTLY where that came from and it wasn’t the company I worked for!! God will always show up right on his time!!! God is so good!!

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