How “Just” Limits God’s Power in Us

How "Just" Limits God’s Power in Our Lives - Grace Fox

The people of Nazareth perceived Jesus as “just” a carpenter’s son. Why? Because they couldn’t naturally explain the source of His wisdom or supernatural power.

I find it amazing how the word “just” can seriously limit God’s power in our lives. A story found in Mark 6 shows how this happens.

1Jesus left that part of the country and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, his hometown. 2The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. They asked, ‘Where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?’ 3Then they scoffed. ‘He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.’ They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him…5And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6And he was amazed at their unbelief

“Just” a carpenter’s son

The people of Nazareth perceived Jesus as “just” a carpenter’s son. Why? Because they couldn’t naturally explain the source of His wisdom or supernatural power.

They tried to stuff Him into their intellectual box but they had to minimize Him in order to make Him fit. “He’s just a carpenter’s son,” they said. “Nothing special about Him.”

Sadly, their dismissal of Christ’s divinity led them down the road of doubt and unbelief, and unbelief limited what He could do on their behalf. Heaven forbid we do the same, but many of us who have grown up with a Christian heritage—hearing Bible story after Bible story and growing comfortable in the pew—might unintentionally mimic a similar attitude.

Life distracts us from our relationship with Jesus

Life’s busyness or problems or enticements can distract us from our relationship with Jesus. Our passion for Him grows cold. And before long, our love for Him loses its lustre. Without our even realizing it, we lose our wonder and awe, and He becomes just the baby in the manger.

We forget that Jesus was the greatest servant leader of all time. His teachings rocked and changed the world. He embodied God in human form, paid sin’s penalty and conquered death once for all. We overlook the fact that He sits in heaven right now and intercedes for us. Before long, doubt and unbelief take over and seriously hinder God’s ability to do the supernatural in and through us.

May I make a few suggestions?

Let’s ask Jesus for a greater understanding into who He was and is. Let’s invite Him to increase His presence and power in us. Let’s make ourselves completely available to Him for His highest purpose.

And let’s never, ever associate the word “just” with Jesus. He deserves better.

Know you are loved,


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  1. Boy, do I need this right now……….I actually went into panic mode earlier today when I heard that our “lovely daughter” is coming to visit us two provinces over. Panic, fear, anger, not to mention hatred came quickly to me and I spoke in anger at the thoughts of her coming over here to rule our home and show her power. Well, I’d rather speak the words you gave to us, Grace, and ask Him to give me greater understanding of who he was and is, and then to open my heart up to Him for his highest purpose. Just now, at this moment, I can’t see my way out of this, but I know that there is always a way with Jesus, even where there seems to be no way. I feel so small when she’s around. None of our kids are my friends. Along with it all came a horrendous headache I can’t get rid of.

    1. Hi Marge. I can feel your angst in your words. Family relationships can be so difficult sometimes, but they can also be God’s way to refine us and to give us opportunity to love others as He does. When I feel tested by family relationships, I visualize Jesus kneeling and washing Judas’ feet. He didn’t treat Judas with less respect than the others even though He knew he would soon betray Him. This visual has transformed my thinking. I pray that I will model Christ’s love for others as He did. How does that image impact you in the context of your family relationships?

  2. I feel God drawing close to me as I call out to him; by His Spirit, he is showing me a plan to follow when my relatives come…….it is in the Power of the Holy Spirit that it is played out, and it is beautiful……..not my plan, and not theirs/hers. This is bound to be one of the best visits that we have ever experienced in all our lives together. God is about to perform a miracle, I believe.
    Glory to the Lord.
    We rest and trust in Him alone.

  3. Oh, Marge. I’m glad to hear you say these words, esp “This is bound to be one of the best visits that we have ever experienced in all our lives together.” Even thinking the best helps put our heart in a good place.

  4. Grace: Thank you. The picture of Jesus washing his disciples feet, even the betrayer, well, it shows that I don’t need to be concerned with what their lives will witness, but I need to first be concerned about my witness and my love for Jesus Christ, as a follower, and one who desires to please God and Honour Him. It came to me in the night, that I mustn’t act like a spoiled brat who was hurt years ago and gotten “over it”, but didn’t “forget it”. Now I’d like to forget it, and show the servant’s love, as Jesus did. I would like my thinking transformed also, as yours was. I am impatient with the way they live sometimes, but have to remember that I once did those things (well, some of them). I’d like to prepare wonderful meals while they’re here, and sit patiently and listen to them….listen to what’s in their hearts. I’d like to pray with them and tell them wonderful things…..such as Psalm 133 and Ps. 100.

  5. I’d like to bless those who literally came into our home and “pushed” us out of the way, and stole our furniture………..that is, they pushed us aside (literally) when they were newlyweds, and without words, or asking, went into our bedroom and removed our bedroom suite. They had furniture; this was for their guest room. Today, I would call the police if they wouldn’t listen………………but back then, we were vulnerable, and didn’t think of what to do. We just backed away, after being pushed, and we watched them take our stuff, and after they loaded it on their truck, they drove away without a word. Now they’re coming to our home. I forgive them. The Conquering King now stands with us!!!!!! And Angels abound here!!! Bless the Name of the Lord most High. (and I have lions in my backyard)

    1. You’re not accountable for their actions or how they’ll behave now. You’re only accountable for your attitude. Bring a smile to the Lord’s face by emulating Him.

  6. I can sing and prepare their meals, and sit at our table with them, which is blessed by God. His banner over me is Love.
    Sometimes it takes awhile…………..but He quiets our soul and our heart, he comforts us, and rejoices over us with singing.
    We must stay in His Word.
    He will look after the big things, while we go about our daily tasks

  7. Amen! Victory in Jesus. He never fails us, and we will take a stand of honour to him, because He alone is Lord!!!!!!! How Victorious!!!!!
    Thanks, Grace; thank you.

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