How to Unwrap the Gift of Today

How to Unwrap the Gift of Today - Grace Fox

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it,” says Psalm 118:24. These words are more than the lyrics to a lilting worship chorus.

Every morning brings another day to us.

We wake with a to-do list in our minds. Sometimes concerns about a sick loved one or a strained relationship or a potential job-layoff cloud our first thoughts.

We roll from bed and grab a bite to eat. Some folks nibble on spiritual nourishment, too, but many do not. After all, duty calls, and we must respond.

For some, the day brings a delight: a marriage proposal, a phone call or email from a friend, a financial bonus at work, the birth of a child or grandbaby, bursts of sunshine after long stretches of rain, a surprise birthday party or anniversary gift, or a clean bill of health.

For others, the day brings sadness: a cancer diagnosis, the loss of a loved one, a job layoff, a move far from everything familiar, a betrayal, or news about the latest terrorist attack somewhere in the world.

We wake in the morning thinking we know what’s facing us, but in reality, we haven’t got a clue. Sometimes life plods along at the same predictable pace week after week. Then the unexpected happens and catapults us into a white-knuckle ride.

Life changes in a nanosecond. But God remains faithful.

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it,” says Psalm 118:24.

These words are more than the lyrics to a lilting worship chorus. They’re truth, and they ought to impact our view of today and how we respond to it.

Think about it—if God designed today for us, then we ought to consider it a gift. No matter what it brings, He is with us, and He remains loving, wise, and sovereign over our circumstances. Nothing that happens takes Him by surprise, and nothing is too difficult for Him to handle on our behalf.

Here are suggested responses to the truth that the LORD made this day for us:

  • We will say no to complaining about the weather and yes to praising Him for being Creator of the wind and rain and sun.
  • We will say no to whining about our workload and yes to thanking Him for the health to accomplish the tasks at hand.
  • We will say no to fretting about difficult situations over which we have no control and yes to thanking Him for His ability to intervene and bring about change for His glory.

Rejoice. Be glad. Today is the day the LORD has made, and He makes no mistakes.

Action Step

Meditate on this truth, okay? The LORD, almighty God, crafted today especially for you. Invite His presence into whatever you’re experiencing whether it be mundane or seeming chaos. Let it wash away your worries. Let it open your eyes to His presence in and over your circumstances.

Know you are loved,


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  1. Yes, if it weren’t for the Lord, we would not even have the life we have, for it is he who has given us life, and that abundantly.
    Today an awesome thing happened for me; it would go along with that statement in Responses to the Truth……etc. About seven years ago, I was part of a prayer group who met regularly each week. We prayed for all the church stuff; every missionary and all their needs; staff; special workers; parents and children; you name it. Then we prayed for personal needs. I never asked for prayer for myself. We prayed for each other’s families, even for someone’s long lost Grandmother in Bavaria, and someone’s new great-great grandchild. Every big man and mighty prayer warrior asked for a personal prayer at the end of our meeting. We all prayed for everything and were most happy to do it. I was part of this group for close to four years, and then….well, one evening, I felt so part of things for the first time in my life, well……..I was shaky, but I figured it was worth the risk. I mustered up all the courage possible (just to be like them and belong), I asked for prayer for myself. Uh-Oh!! One of the pastor’s wives spun around and looked me in the face, and she said (loudly) “WE ARE NOT PRAYING FOR YOU”!!!!!!!!! Every person (including the Head Pastor, and all my “friends”, and associates, and other pastors and courageous prayer warriors and old people and young people sat stock still. No one said a word. As I slunk in my chair feeling a spear go through me, I could hardly breathe. The Lord helped me raise myself up. I muttered, “Uh, okay, then……..may I pray for any of you now?” Many of them gave me a request, seriously now……even for someone’s big toe which was very sore. I prayed for every one. Not a person said a word. NO ONE came to my aid. They didn’t change anything. After praying, I got up and I walked out. I made it to my car, and got in, and started the engine. I broke and cried like I thought I’d never be able to drive. The Lord came through for me, and as I drove out, onto the highway, “something else” entered me. A door must have remained open, and I believe Satan entered. What happened in my life for the next few years, I don’t want to tell……..right now…….not here……..for your sake; but I will tell you this….I began to enjoy NOT being a Christian anymore. I hated them!!!! I started down a road and enjoyed everything a “Christian” shouldn’t do. The more I did those things, the more I enjoyed them, and wanted more. The rest of the story is that I carried it through until my family was in danger, and I fell before the Lord and cried out to Him. He came to my rescue….
    again. I will just add this: Never……never……..has one person ever come from that church to see how I’m doing, where I was, nothing…..never.

    One day a Church of God young woman came to my door carrying a Bible. She wore a long skirt (dark colours), with a white shirt and a vest to match the skirt. Her hair was braided and wound up in a bun on her head. My house was a ruddy shambles, and I looked like a slob, and she asked me if she could sing to me. I said, “Sure”, and she sang, “I’m so glad Jesus set me Free”. She wanted to talk, so I told her to come in, if she dared. She did, and that was the turn-around in my life that I needed and she never left me………never, although she had a little family and was a dedicated Christian woman. She asked me to her house and gave me some tea……..she sat with me the whole time. To this day, she visits me and calls or emails. She holds nothing against the ones who ravaged my soul, but ministers the Word of God to me. We sing together and talk and pray. She never asks anything for herself, so I make sure I pray for her always. She taught me how to forgive the others and we prayed for them.

    Tonight, because we had heard that there would be a “prayer meeting” at the church where this all began, I took my family and we attended. We all met in the sanctuary, and for two hours, it was my pleasure to honour my Heavanly Father and please Him, to pray with those same people, and to pray for them………….and to pray and bless that specific church, as well as the whole body of Christ. I am one very happy, and set free born-again, blood-bought Christian woman tonight, with naught against any, and happy to pray for a people who knoweth not what they did. Jesus, thank-you for saving my soul. Thank-you, Lord, for making me whole. Thank-you for that Finished Work on the Cross. The Slain Lamb became the Victorious King!!!!!! He lives in me (and he lives in you). Emmanuel.
    Thank-you, Grace………you simply can’t imagine how you’ve helped me.

    1. Oh Marge, I’m so sorry to hear of the pain you’ve experienced. When someone hurts me, I always think of this phrase: “Hurting people hurt people.” That pastor’s wife must have been a hurt woman. I’m so glad the Lord sent that other woman to your door. Wow–what a demonstration of His love for you, my friend. PTL for how you were able to return to that church and pray for the people there. God bless you, Marge. Continue growing on and shining for Jesus.

  2. God truly does work ALL things together for “good”, for those who love him.

    We can never know how he’s going to work it out. Awesome God, but I know, that he will NEVER let you go.

  3. He is faithful. I am the Lord’s and He is mine; His banner over me is Love.
    He has brought me to this place, and I am thankful.

  4. I am overwhelmed by your comments, and on these insights.
    I, too, began (long after the fact), to realize that there had to be a reason for her to say such a thing. I felt later on, that perhaps someone had said those words to her one time, and that’s what came out. When I approached her on it one day about six months ago, she apologized, and then she said it was just a joke. I didn’t want to believe that, and so I didn’t tell her about the weeks I lay on my couch with such pain in my inner being that I couldn’t function. I had to see a doctor, and had months of counselling…………I felt like the lowest outcast ever(and all because I ‘wanted’ to belong.

    Yes, He is waving that banner high and for all to see! I sense God’s love for me so much now that all of that other stuff seems like nothing. Jesus was right (as always). “They know not what they do”. Now, these days, I am amazed because I have the power to walk away from hurtful words and intimidating comments. I can walk past them, while praying, “God, please help that person today with their need”. amen

    To this day, my husband and I feel privileged to pray for all of them, and with great love, because, after all, someone took time to pull me out of the ditch……….and Jesus gave his life so that I could have life, and that abundantly. And then he showed me you!!!

  5. Oh, Marge. Now that you explain this situation a little more, I wonder if the pastor’s wife really did mean it to be funny. Maybe that’s why the other people just sat there–they didn’t think it was funny and didn’t know how to respond. Maybe that’s why no one came to talk to you about it over the following years–they didn’t realize how those words carelessly spoken hurt you. Oh my, oh my. Sometimes situations like this have so many layers (all difficult).

    I’m very glad you had the courage to talk to her about it albeit a few months ago. What a lesson to be learned here: Our words speak life or death. We need to choose our words wisely so we breed life. “Oh God, teach us to guard our tongues!”

  6. Yes, I really believe and hope that she didn’t mean to hurt me, but I do also think they were poor words to blurt out in “The Prayer Room”. I am able to see now that because of God’s love for “me”, I can overlook comments that otherwise might have pulled me down, or caused me to give up or run away. I am no longer the hurt little child, never belonging. I do belong, and it happened the moment I accepted Christ into my heart. I just hadn’t grown strong enough, not to be intimidated anymore. It does show also, that, although we know that anyone can make a mistake, those leaders who believe they are called by God to Shepherd the Church really do need to lead a special kind of life. It’s a huge calling.

  7. I couldn’t agree more re: the importance of choosing words that speak life, and for the importance of spiritual leaders to be especially careful in this area. I’m so glad for the growth in your life.

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