Knowing God’s Will for Our Life

Knowing God's Will for Our Life - Grace Fox

The more we love and trust Him, the more we hear His voice, and the more willing we are to follow wherever He leads even when it doesn’t appear to make sense.

I often hear people ask, “What is God’s will for my life?”

Asking that question hoping to discover details such as where we should live, what career we should pursue, and who we should marry, can put us through a lot of stress. Focusing too long and hard on it can result in fear—before long, we’re afraid to make a decision or take a step lest we make or take the wrong one.

Perhaps the better question to ask is, “What is God’s will?”

Ultimately God’s will is to redeem a broken world by bringing mankind into right relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ and for us to then enjoy intimacy with Him.

Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God grows when we seek Him daily. It deepens when we apply His words to our lives—when we not only hear what He says, but we put it into practice. It sweetens when we learn to recognize His Spirit’s voice as He directs, comforts, teaches, encourages, and convicts us.

Simply put, pursuing God and learning to truly know Him is His will for your life and mine. Everything about us flows from that relationship. The more we discover who He is, the more we love and trust Him. The more we love and trust Him, the more able we are to hear His voice, and the more willing we become to follow wherever He leads even when it doesn’t appear to make sense.

I’ve been reading Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King. I did the Bible study nearly twenty years ago, and it changed my life then. Reviewing it is really blessing me. Today I learned something I hadn’t thought about until now.

Jesus is the way

In John 14:6, Jesus says He is the way. I’ve always thought of that statement in terms of His being the way to salvation and eternal life. Indeed, He is that.

But there’s more: Jesus is also the road map for discovering the details about God’s will for our lives. When we make our relationship with Him our priority, following Him day by day and staying attuned to His voice, He will show us the way we should go. We needn’t get overly concerned about the details because He’s got those covered. He’ll show us one step at a time, on a need-to-know basis.

How about you?

Do you want to know the way you should walk in regards to a specific situation? Are you faced with a decision and want to make the right choice?

Make knowing Jesus your priority and then trust Him to show you the way. His love and care for you was settled on the cross, and He will always lead you along the best path.

Know you are loved,


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