Make Up Your Mind and Make the Change

Make Up Your Mind - Grace Fox

Maybe you’ve been toying with making a change but haven’t taken that first step. What needs to happen so you can make up your mind and begin moving forward?

I love, love, love how God’s Word shows me something new every time I read it. So here’s the latest new nugget. It’s from Daniel 1:8:

“But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief official for permission to eat other things instead.”

Daniel was taken captive by the Babylonian army and later handpicked to train for a three-year period with the possibility of serving in the royal court. The king assigned Daniel and the other young men a daily ration of the finest food and wine from the palace kitchens. He thought he was doing the fellows a favor, but Daniel didn’t agree.

Making up our minds

Daniel made up his mind—he resolved, determined—not to eat those rich foods. He respectfully asked the officer in charge if he could pursue other options that would be better for his health.

The four words “made up his mind” grabbed my attention. That’s the way I’d describe my journey to better health. I made up my mind to exercise more, make healthier food choices, and eat less unhealthy snacks. I made up my mind to treat my body with respect and to make it strong. Resolving to lose weight once and for all gave me the ability to persevere when the journey felt long and tedious.

More recently, Gene and I made up our minds to live simply and be better stewards of our finances. That led to purging our household of belongings and moving onto a sailboat. I know, I know—a bit drastic perhaps, but we’re doing what God has made abundantly clear is His will for us at this time. (We move the last of our few belongings aboard tomorrow).

Making up our minds to do something can make a huge positive difference in our lives:

  • We make up our minds to forgive that person who hurt us several years ago. She might never recognize her role or ask for forgiveness, but we forgive for our own sake—to release bitterness and walk in freedom.
  • We make up our minds to stop buying stuff on a whim. Doing so makes us better stewards of our finances and helps us stick to a budget.
  • We make up our minds to spend time in God’s Word every day if only for a few minutes. We then grow in the knowledge of the truth so we can better detect the lies Satan throws our way.
  • We make up our minds to watch less TV in the evenings. We end up with more time for our spouse, family, and friends. More time to go for a walk or read a good book. And we might even get to bed at a more reasonable hour.
  • We make up our minds to step beyond our comfort zone. We say yes to something God asks us to do even if we’re scared. Our faith grows and we experience Him in new ways.

When we make up our minds to take a particular course of action, we take a stand and don’t look back. We say, “I’m done with those things that keep me fenced in, and I’m ready to make a change.” Then we pursue an alternative action that helps us stick to our resolve.

How about you?

Tell me about a time you made up your mind to pursue a course of action. What was the outcome?

Maybe you’ve been toying with making a change recently but haven’t taken the necessary first step. What needs to happen so you can make up your mind and begin moving forward?

Know you are loved,


Forever Changed Bible Study - Grace Fox

Based on Romans 12:2, Forever Changed identifies areas in which we often fall prey to faulty thinking and then explores the corresponding truth of God’s Word.

Available at First Place for Health.

Forever Changed Bible Study - Grace Fox

Based on Romans 12:2, Forever Changed identifies areas in which we often fall prey to faulty thinking and then explores the corresponding truth of God’s Word.

Available at First Place for Health.

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  1. Hello Grace, just dropping you a quick note to tell you that I have been so encouraged and blessed by your blogs. I am in the throws of facing the facts and truth about my very overweight and very unhealthy and out of shape body. I saw your article and before and after photos of the weight you have lost and the exercise you are incorporating into your life. What a difference for you. I want that for my life too. I am taking nutrition and exercise classes offered here in Nanaimo from VIHA. They are even free. It is a long road ahead but it begins with the first step. I’m excited for the many new paths the Lord is taking you and your husband on. What an adventure. Would love to meet you sometime. Asking the Lord to provide the means to possibly attend the conference in March. God Bless and thanks for your ministry to me. I attend Pastor Barry Hansen’s and Pastor Karen Jordan’s church in Nanaimo. Joyce McIntosh

    1. Hi Joyce. You’re so right in saying that the long road ahead begins with the first step. So, so true. I’m proud of you for taking that first step. Do not give up. Speaking for myself, it took a long time to get out of shape, so it took a long time to get my health back on track. Definitely not a quick fix, and it will be a lifelong endeavour. I realize that. So it will be for you as well, but Christ lives in you and that’s where the life-transformation power lies. He will help you as you learn to treat your body well.

      I hope you can come to the Homewood retreat. I’m going to talk about the power of our thoughts and how to align them with God’s thoughts. I’ll share part of my wellness journey story on Friday night.

      Take care!

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