What’s Your First Response When Storms Blow?

What's Your First Response When Storms Blow? - Grace Fox

When the storms of life blow in on us, we’re faced with a choice. How should we respond? For starters, let’s not allow our emotions to dictate our actions.

We can’t choose when the storms of life strike, nor can we choose their nature. But we can choose how we’ll respond, says Max Lucado in his new book, Fearless.

Do we let our emotions dictate our response?

When the wind blows and the waves thrash, we sometimes respond based on our emotions. We throw angry words at our husband and kids. We seek solitude, isolating ourselves from family and friends. We allow our minds to be overrun with fearful thoughts. The result? Stress, ulcers, and sleeplessness. There’s a much better way…

The king’s response

King Hezekiah faced a storm when his enemies threatened his kingdom. His response is a great example for us to follow (Isaiah 37:1-3):

He tore his clothes and put on sackcloth.

Wait a minute – I’m not endorsing this behavior for you and me, okay? But I am endorsing the attitude his actions demonstrated – total humility, absolute dependence on God. He admitted that he was scared to death, aware that the storm could blow him and his kingdom away unless Divine assistance rushed to the rescue.

He went into the Temple to pray.

Amen, brother! He poured out his heart to God. He knew God was willing and able to help, so he headed that direction – pronto. Smart man.

He enlisted the help of others.

Hezekiah nabbed his right-hand helpers, explained the situation to them, and sent them running to Isaiah, a well-respected man of God. They relayed Hezekiah’s concern and asked Isaiah to pray for them.

A healthy and wise response

When the storms of life blow in on us, we’re faced with a choice. How should we respond? Let’s not allow our emotions to dictate our actions. Instead, let’s do as Hezekiah did and take our fears to God. Let’s be honest with Him about how we feel, and acknowledge our dependence on Him. Then let’s enlist the help of godly friends who will support us in prayer.

God will answer us, just as He answered Hezekiah. The outcome might not be what we expect, but we can rest assured that God is in control of every detail.

How about you?

Do you have any insights re: the choice we face when the storm blows in?

Know you are loved,


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