Why has God Brought You To This Place?

Why has God Brought You To This Place? - Grace Fox

Keep your eyes and ears wide open. Keep your heart open, too, so you can learn everything He wants you to learn during this time.

Do you sometimes wonder why God has brought you to a particular place or situation?

For example, why has He brought you to your place of employment? On the flipside, maybe you’re in a place of being unemployed and wondering how to pay mounting bills.

Maybe you’re in a place of chronic illness or facing a life-threatening disease. Perhaps you’re in a place of disappointment; you’ve suffered the loss of a lifetime dream and not sure how to deal with that.

One of my friends is in a place of deep sorrow after losing her husband. Another one is in a place of waiting as she trusts God to show her how to best use her skills and passions to make an eternal difference.

Several of my friends’ adult children are involved with overseas missions. Those friends are in a place of surrender, trusting their kids to God’s care and protection.

Maybe you’re in a good place right now

No complaints, no worries. Life hasn’t always been like this, and there are no guarantees that it will stay this way, but for now, all is well.

This week a passage from Ezekiel really grabbed my attention. The prophet Ezekiel wrote about God showing him a vision in which He took him to Israel and set him on a high mountain. From that vantage point, Ezekiel saw what appeared to be a city, and then he saw

“a man whose face shone like bronze standing beside a gateway entrance. He was holding in his hand a measuring tape and a measuring rod” Ezekiel 40:3).

That man spoke these words to Ezekiel:

“He said to me, ’Son of man, watch and listen. Pay close attention to everything I show you. You have been brought here so I can show you many things. Then you will return to the people of Israel and tell them everything you have seen’” (Ezekiel 40:4).

I thought of multiple ways this verse could apply to me (and to you). For instance, God has taken me to physical places such as Nepal, Egypt, India, Russia, and numerous other international destinations. While there, I kept my eyes and ears open so I could learn everything He intended for me.

He showed me many things about myself, like my utter dependence upon Him while in a foreign setting. He also showed me many things about Himself, especially His ability to equip me to do what He’d called me to do there. And He showed me many things about how He’s building His kingdom in those countries—amazing stories unlike anything we hear in North America.

When I came home, I told others about the things I’d seen and experienced. Their faith was encouraged as a result.

Connecting through my writing

I remember the first time He brought me to a writers conference. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I was supposed to be there. I welcomed every day with an attitude of anticipation. I asked the Lord to show me what He wanted me to learn and to help me connect with people with whom He wanted me to connect. His taking me to that place changed my life.

Currently I’m in a faith-stretching place. I’m writing a new book (even stating that publicly make my knees knock), and I’m fully aware that the job’s too big for me. Each time I sit down at my computer, I ask Him to show me the words He wants me to write. My eyes and ears are wide open, and I’m trusting Him to show me many things during this process.

So, to what place has God brought you?

No doubt He wants to show you many things there. Keep your eyes and ears wide open. Keep your heart open, too, so you can learn everything He wants you to learn during this time. Some day you’ll have the opportunity to share your story, and He’ll use it to teach others and to bring honor to His name.

Know you are loved,


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