A Promise for Those in Painful Circumstances

A Promise for Those in Painful Circumstances - Grace Fox

As a followers of Christ, we don’t need to bear it alone. He, too, experienced pain, and He empathizes with us. He fills us with strength necessary to cope.

Sometimes I wonder how much more pain the world can tolerate. 

I’ve been following the mystery of the missing Malaysian airliner and praying for the families and friends experiencing an emotional rollercoaster that twists and spirals with every new bit of information received.

I’ve also been praying for the Ukrainians whose future and freedoms dangle in space. And for the Syrians and Afghans who face constant danger, hunger, and disease.

Those events are happening thousands of miles away.

Pain closer to home

But this week, the pain struck close to home, too.

Within a span of 48 hours, my sister buried her father-in-law. And my husband’s sister lost her brother-in-law when KOMO 4’s helicopter crashed and burned in Seattle. And one of my husband’s cousins suffered a massive stroke and is now on life support.

In the past seven days, I’ve received emails from women recovering from abuse at their pastors’ hands. I’ve also received emails from heartbroken mothers whose daughters are living in domestic violence, and messages from women overseas devastated by destructive choices their kids are making.

I’ve received prayer requests concerning a runaway teenage girl, a young mom dealing with breast cancer, a husband undergoing surgery to remove a brain tumor, and more.

Pain is real, and it’s everywhere, it seems

Sometimes it threatens to smother us, and it leaves us gasping for air. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. And yet there is hope.

As a followers of Christ, we don’t need to bear it alone. He, too, experienced pain, and He empathizes with us. He also fills us with strength necessary to cope.

Here’s a Scripture that’s encouraged me in the recent barrage:

Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely. (Psalm 63:7-8 NLT)

No easy fixes

There are no pat answers for navigating painful circumstances. No 1-2-3 strategies to fix it or smooth the way. But this we know—God’s promises are real and He will always bring them to pass.

Jesus is our helper. He enables us to sing in the shadow of His wings. As we cling to Him, He holds us securely. If you’re dealing with painful circumstances this week, too, then I pray you’ll find hope and peace in these words. They’re not meant to sound over-simplified or mere Christian lingo. They’re truth, and they’re meant to breathe life into our battle-weary souls.

Jesus is our helper and He holds us securely. Cling to these words and let them renew your heart.

Know you are loved,


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