
Exhale Your Worries and Go Free

Exhale Your Worries - Grace Fox

Concerns kept coming to my mind. I wasn’t aware I’d picked up worry-weight til t began falling away. With every exhale, I felt lighter and freer.

My heart had felt so heavy over so many concerns for so long. As I read my Bible and journaled that morning, I sensed the Lord nudge me to set aside my reading to kneel in His presence with no agenda other than to hear His voice. I’ve walked with Him long enough to know that obedience is the only option when He speaks so definitively.

I waited in worship for a few minutes, and then I heard the Spirit say, “Exhale.”

I inhaled slow and deep, and exhaled. Then I heard a more specific directive: “Exhale your worries about your daughter’s health.”

Deep inhale. Exhale.

“Exhale your worries about meeting your book deadline.”

Deep inhale. Exhale.

“Exhale your worries for your son-in-law, daughter, and grandbabies while he works far from home.”

Deep inhale. Exhale.


One concern after another came to mind without my doing a mental search for them. I wasn’t even aware that I’d picked up worry-weight until it began falling away. With every exhale, I felt lighter and freer. I left my little private space that morning with a renewed appreciation for Jesus’ invitation:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

It’s easy for us to pick up worry-weight that God never intends for us to carry, and sometimes we do it without realizing. We feel disheartened but don’t know why. We might begin to feel as though prayer doesn’t do any good anyway, so why bother? We might start to think that God doesn’t really care about what’s happening in the world at large or in our personal world. He’s left us alone to figure out how to deal with the difficult stuff.

Accept the invitation

My friend, take a moment to thank Jesus for His invitation to give rest to the weary and burdened. Accept that invitation. Come into His presence quietly and with no agenda. Wait in worship, and listen for His voice.

What concerns does God bring to mind? One by one, inhale deeply and then exhale. Give them to Jesus and leave feeling lighter and free.

No doubt your reasons for angst will return to mind and try to take up residence again in a few hours or days. When they do, refuse to pick them up. Exhale, and thank Jesus for the rest He gives and the relief He brings when He carries the burden on your behalf.

May I Pray For You?

“God, the state of both global affairs and tough stuff happening within our personal world could make us sick with worry apart from Your presence. When worry wells up within us, please remind us to cast our cares on You because You care for us. Redirect our thoughts to focus on Your wisdom, sovereignty, strength, and goodness, and grant us peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Let this song refresh your heart today.

Know you are loved,


Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

The news headlines tell us that we’re living in unbelievably chaotic days. My latest devotional books provide biblical hope and encouragement when our minds feel like they’re on overload.

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Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

The news headlines tell us that we’re living in unbelievably chaotic days. My latest devotional books provide biblical hope and encouragement when our minds feel like they’re on overload.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copies here.

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  1. Grace, I love the suggestion of exhaling the worries away. It’s easy to let our worries pile up. As the old hymn says, “Breathe on me breath of God.” He truly cares for us.
    The news is so scary right now. I will exhale as I listen for His voice. Thank you for your wise words.

    1. Hi Pam. Worry certainly can pile up and turn us into nervous wrecks. But God has better than that in store for us. I’m so glad He spoke to me about exhaling our worries–it really works. May you walk in peace today and always, my friend.

  2. What a timely and simple solution to a problem that plagues most of us in these times. We have such a sneaky enemy to distract us with world wide violence and destruction, along with the concerns we have about our own families and friends. I remember something Kay Arthur said years ago, “We are sheep, and sheep are not burden-bearing animals.” Thank you Grace for calling us back to our place of peace and safety, just give it to Jesus.
    Blessings on you and your ministry.

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