
Finding Hope When Facing a Need

Finding Hope When Facing a Need - Grace Fox

God knows what we need before we know know we need it. And He’s already figured out the solution or necessary provision.

How many of you have ever faced a need? I’m talking about a need for concrete things such as financial resources, housing, winter jackets or school supplies for your kids, and transportation. I’m also talking about abstract things such as wisdom, creativity, and peace.

I mention the specifics above because I’ve experienced all of those needs and more. I could tell you story after story about facing a need (and feeling helpless to do anything about it), crying out to God, and watching Him answer by providing in unexpected ways.

For example, I clearly remember taking my cat to the vet after he developed an infection. The vet examined the cat and then explained the treatment. The bill would be nearly $1,000. I choked.

Winter was fast approaching, and my kids needed warm jackets. I didn’t have the money to buy those. How in the world could I justify paying an enormous vet bill?

I decided to be honest with the vet. I explained my dilemma and asked if she had other options. Indeed she did, and they were affordable. A day (and many prayers) later, a friend phoned and said, “I have a couple of winter jackets here, and I’m wondering if your kids could use them.”

Once again, God provided

God has revealed Himself to mankind in many ways, one of them being through His names. The name “Jehovah-Jireh” (Genesis 22:13-14) has become especially meaningful to me, and I’m clinging to it right now as my husband and I deal with our greatest financial strain in 18 years.

Tomorrow we’ll sit down, crunch numbers, and make some serious decisions so we can continue doing ministry and still pay our bills. Through all of this, we’re keeping our eyes on Jehovah-Jireh, expressing our concerns to Him, and waiting expectantly to see how He’ll answer this time.

He sees ahead

The word jireh means “he sees ahead.” Imagine—God knows what we need before we need it. In fact, He knows what we need before we know we need it! And He’s already figured out the solution or necessary provision. This truth brings me great hope in the face of uncertainty.

Michael Youssef writes,

”For every task that God gives you, you can be assured that He has already made full provision for all you will need to complete that task. There is no problem for which He has not already prepared a solution. There is no troublesome circumstance of difficulty for which He has not already provided your victory or a way of escape. There is nothing that you face today or in the future that God has not already foreseen and arranged everything you will need.” (Empowered by Praise)

Jehovah-Jireh sees our needs, and He wants us to ask Him and trust Him to provide. Sometimes that journey feels like a white-knuckle ride in whitewater rapids, yes? But Jehovah-Jireh always comes through because He is who He is.

How about you?

How have you experienced Jehovah-Jireh?

We’d love to hear your stories.

Know you are loved,


Names of God: Living Unafraid - Grace Fox

My latest book, Names of God – Living Unafraid, shows how the meaning behind seven of God’s names can help us slay the fear giant. Available July 9.

Names of God: Living Unafraid - Grace Fox

My latest book, Names of God – Living Unafraid, shows how the meaning behind seven of God’s names can help us slay the fear giant. Available July 9.

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  1. I love this one. I say: this is certainly a test of faith when your basic needs are threatened, or especially when you have to choose between an item of necessity and your dear family pet. But sure as the Bible is true, God will make a way, when there seems to be no way. Trusting in Him is a biggy for most people and I’m still not fully there, although it’s coming quicker now as I meditate on his goodness and love; on his promises and on his Word.
    “I have never seen the righteous forsaken, or God’s children begging bread. He really does provide. One year just after moving into a house many miles from where we had lived, and we had several children then, we were very “very” short on funds ( I mean, every penny was stretched to the max), we could afford only the basic foods for the first three months (summer) and there were cucumbers growing in the garden, and berries. We drank water all summer and everyone thrived. We lived on cucumbers and berries (no kidding). I complained a few times and was not a happy witness. Nor was I overly thankful, until one day I read an article on the cucumber telling how full they are of nearly every vitamin you can think of. I thanked the Lord, and then I noticed that our whole family was healthy, sleeping well, energetic, and no one had indigestion. It really was the provision of God. Jehovah Jirah. Into the Fall, people began to bring us beautiful garden produce from their gardens, and fresh baked bread and buns. We began a routine of being very, “very” thankful daily. Something else I learned from this: I was the one who was upset. My husband and the children just ate and never complained. It was “me” thinking that “I” wasn’t providing enough, when all I had to do was to be thankful for how Jehovah Jirah had looked after us.

  2. Marge, thank you for sharing your story! I love hearing how God provides for His people. Cucumbers, berries, and water–what a diet. As you said, cucumbers are good eating. And berries? Berries are fantastic for our bodies. And no one can argue about water being healthy. Sounds like a modern-day manna theme, except the Israelites ate it for 40 years! Do your kids remember that experience?

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