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God is Always on Time

Pay Attention to Your Self-Talk - Grace Fox

I pray that today’s post will encourage and inspire you. It’s an excerpt from my devotional book Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos.

Last evening, the women in my Zoom Bible study talked briefly about the timing of God’s provision for our needs. Based on personal experience and Biblical accounts, we all came to the same conclusion: He always provides for us. And that provision always comes at just the right time—not a moment too late, and never too soon. He rescues us at the midnight hour.

Perhaps you’re waiting for God to provide for a particular need today. Maybe you’re waiting for Him to answer a prayer. If so, then I pray that today’s post will encourage and inspire you. It’s an excerpt from Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos.

Always on Time

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire… Psalm 40:1-2 (NLT)


I was kindergarten-age when I tried crossing a muddy road. My feet became stuck in the muck, and I yelled for help. I yelled louder upon seeing a concrete truck rumble toward me. A neighbor rushed to my rescue, and, in my opinion, not a moment too soon.

Sometimes I feel like my child-self mired in tough circumstances about to get worse. I cry to God for help, and I cry again—louder—if rescue doesn’t come immediately. Patience and panic don’t dwell in the same heart.

I suspect that the psalmist exercised patience because he understood God’s nature. Having a good grasp on his wisdom, sovereignty, and love enabled him to trust his timing. He knew God would respond not a moment too soon or too late.

Such is our Rescuer God. Wise. Sovereign. Loving. He hears our cries, and he comes at just the right time.


Identify one blessing you’ve received while waiting for God to answer your cries for help.


Lord, I know you will rescue me. Help me wait patiently.

“Have you entrusted everything concerning your case to Jesus? If you have, then the entire matter is sealed and delivered—in His resurrection. The message is this: As surely as Jesus rose on time, your triumph will be on schedule also. Lazarus’s schedule probably seemed a day late to him, too.” –Jack Hayford, Moments with Majesty

Know you are loved,


Order a copy of my devotional book, Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos for yourself or a friend today. The book’s 90 daily meditations will remind you God’s presence and promises.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copy here.

Winner of “Devotional Book of 2021” in the Golden Scroll Awards

Finding Hope in Crisis - Grace Fox

Order a copy of my devotional book, Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions for Calm in Chaos for yourself or a friend today. The book’s 90 daily meditations will remind you God’s presence and promises.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copy here.

Winner of “Devotional Book of 2021” in the Golden Scroll Awards

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