To Which Voice Should We Listen?

To Which Voice Should We Listen? - Grace Fox

Listen to Him. Ultimately Christ’s voice is the one we ought to heed, and for good reason. He is life and truth. He is wisdom and love.

Sometimes I hear voices in my head. I know, I know–that sounds a little sketchy. But I’ll bet you hear them too.

When I travel by air, I sometimes feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge to strike up a conversation with the stranger beside me. A voice inside says, “No—don’t bother her. She doesn’t want to talk, and especially not about Jesus. Just be quiet. Mind your own business and leave her alone.”

Occasionally I hear a voice that says, “No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get it right. You may as well give up.”

Sometimes a voice whispers, “It’s okay to share that little piece of inside information about so-and-so, especially if you disguise it as a prayer request on her behalf.”

That voice taunts, accuses, and lies. It causes fear and doubt, criticism, division, and discouragement. I suspect it sounds much like the one Eve heard in the Garden of Eden.

Another voice clamors for my attention

Strangely (or not), it sounds just like me. It tells me the endless things I should do—work harder, do more, do better. And it reminds me of all the things I should have done differently—you know, those things I regret but I cannot change. It imposes upon me burdens I’m not meant to carry.

But then there’s a voice that’s quite opposite

This one speaks words of assurance and comfort. Words teeming with hope and brimming with love. It inspires courage and peace, joy, and unity. Sometimes it speaks necessary words I don’t want to hear because they hurt, and yet they heal.

“Ceasing striving. Do what you can, but then leave the outcome to Me.”

“Don’t worry. Trust Me. I know every detail of your situation and I’m working behind-the-scenes in answer to your prayers.”

“I’m the Good Shepherd. Follow Me, and I’ll lead you on the best pathway for your life.”

So many voices clamor for our attention. To which one should we listen? The answer’s easy.

On the day Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, Peter, James, and John on a high mountain, the men heard God speak.

He said,

“This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to Him” (Mark 9:7).

Listen to Him

Ultimately Christ’s voice is the one we ought to heed, and for good reason. He is life and truth. He is wisdom and love.

He knows the way we should take, the decisions we must make, and the relationships with which we wrestle. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, our dreams, and our desires. He knows everything about us, and He wants to be fully engaged in our every day lives for our good.

A simple prayer to start your day

“Father, tune my ears to hear Your voice. Give me the ability to discern it from all others contending for my attention. Speak to Me for I am Your servant, here to accomplish Your purposes in and through me.”

If you choose to do this, I’d love to hear how God answers.

Know you are loved,


About Grace Fox, speaker, author
Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

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