Where Can We Find Hope When Life Hurts?

Where Can We Find Hope? - Grace Fox

Hope is found in Jesus, the One who persevered and overcame death. Because of what He’s done and because He lives in us, we can persevere and overcome too.

The past several weeks have found me immersed in studying the theme of hope. Wow—what a relevant topic!

News headlines tell of wildfires forcing tens of thousands to leave all their earthly belongings, jobs, and schools to flee headlong into an unknown future. These folks need a ton of financial assistance as they seek to re-establish their lives. They may even need professional counseling for PTSD. They mostly certainly need hope.

Middle Eastern refugees risk their lives to escape tyranny. These men, women and children need assistance in practical ways, too. And they need hope in huge measure.

Our government leaders push for new laws that seem stranger than fiction—including medically assisted suicide for people of all ages who decide life isn’t worth living. What??? The world’s gone mad when we think infusing people with a lethal dose of meds is a better option than giving them hope and enabling them to live a full and abundant life.

Where to get help?

Where do we point people for help when they’re broken and battle weary? Where do we turn when we face situations that leave us feeling like things will never get better and there’s no way out?

I totally “get” the need for practical support to alleviate stress, but ultimately, Jesus Christ is the only source for true and lasting hope because He addresses our soul needs. When we cry out to Him for wisdom, He gives it. When we call on Him for guidance if we don’t know what to do or where to turn, He leads us. When we ask Him to give us His perspective as we walk our desperate strait, He most certainly answers.

Years ago our family faced a major financial challenge when our second child decided to attend Bible college in a neighboring province. As missionaries living on faith support and never fully funded, we had no idea how we’d help her pay for tuition never mind the expense of travel to and from school periodically. To say we felt stressed is an understatement.

Our car’s transmission blew ($3500 expense) an hour after she and I began the long journey to Alberta. Two days later, one of my molars broke and needed a crown. A day after that, we discovered that our car needed new tires (another $500).

Prayer and hope

The severity of our situation was nowhere near that of many folks’ but it was serious for us. We had no idea how to pay for these expenses. So we prayed, and we prayed some more. We praised, and we praised again. We poured out our hearts to the Lord, and we admitted our dependence on Him. Long before we saw tangible answers, He filled us with peace and the ability to persevere. He gave us “confidence for a good outcome under His guidance.”

That what hope is—the confident anticipation of things turning out okay because God is in control. It’s what keeps us going when we can’t see the finish line.

Ultimately hope is found in Jesus, the One who persevered and overcame death. Because of what He’s done and because He lives in us, we can persevere and overcome too.

Need hope today?

Here’s a verse for you. Read it. Ponder it. And ask the Lord to make it come alive in your life. I’ll do the same on your behalf.

Psalm 62:5-8 – “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

Know you are loved,


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  1. Thank you Grace for those words and a bible verse that hits home….totally needed this today with some family issues going on that seem to stress us out even if we don’t think it is happening…also our church is small with only a very small percentage of the people actually able or willing to help with the many things that need to be done…my husband and I are feeling the pressure of our many commitments at church…my husband will be 70 in the fall and I am not far behind him…praying that others will step up and help with the load…bless you Grace for all you do to spread the word…take care….Lorraine..

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart, Lorraine. Sounds like you’re under stress. It’s so good to know that God gives us strength when we admit our need for His help. He will help you. He will 🙂 Know you are loved.

  2. W o W, G r a c e, wow………thanks for this post………..gee whiz……..wow
    Yes, I get that about trusting God even under those circumstances; wow;
    I don’t always do well yet…….I mean, the best………….but when someone else is counting on us…..strength and trust tend to rise up to meet that occasion so that we can help someone else on their way………and, yes, it might mean difficulties for us and the repair of our own spirit, hearts, or tooth, or whatever……………wow…………I’m reading that Psalm.

  3. God, pour out your blessings on Grace, and her household; God, open those windows of heaven in her behalf; Lord, I’m reminding you of her dedication to your work and her giving heart. Oh Lord, open it up for her; pour it out on her; Oh God, Bless her more and more and then some more.
    Hallalujah Jesus, You are King! God let your provision be majestic and more than she can handle, according to Thy Word and promises (Malachi); and thank-you for your protection and blessing on her family and those you have given her, amen. Thank-you, Lord.

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