
Why I’m Committed to Expressing Gratitude

Why I'm Committed to Expressing Gratitude - Grace Fox

God’s word tells us to give thanks in everything. And after returning to Nepal, I realize afresh how easy that should be for me.

Returning to Nepal has renewed my resolve to express gratitude at all times

I’ve seen people with precious few material possessions, living in grass huts.

I’ve worshiped with men and women whose fingers and toes have been eaten by leprosy.

I’ve talked with a young village mother as she held her eight-month-old whose face was seriously burned after he fell into the family’s cooking fire. The baby lay cradled in her arms, silent and motionless, his eyes glued to me, a stranger.

I’ve watched a man beat a pit viper to death. Two nursing students stood nearby, yelling, “Snake!” in terror.

I’ve met the young woman we sponsor through World Vision. And I’ve visited the school she once attended—no kidding, there are 1,100 students with 34 teachers. Imagine the teacher/student ratio! And imagine this—the school has only 5 latrines.

Cultural beliefs result in the girls not being able to attend classes when they’re having their period, so they miss 4-5 days of school every month. (World Vision is working hard to change this).

Yet people smile

Life in Nepal is difficult to say the least, and yet the people smile. Life in North America can be difficult, too, and yet God’s word tells us to give thanks in everything. After returning to this third-world country, I realize afresh how easy that should be for me.

And so, here are some things for which I’m grateful today:

  • I’m thankful for the comfortable hotel room in which we slept last night. I’m thankful for the hotel staff who quickly moved us to this room late yesterday afternoon during a massive rain storm that caused water to pour through a sealed window and flood our floor.
  • I’m thankful for the fan over our bed—we’re on the Indian terai now, and the heat and humidity is nearly unbearable day and night.
  • I’m thankful for cold, clean drinking water.
  • I’m thankful for a reliable 4-wheel drive and the driver who is safety conscious as we navigate these roads.
  • I’m thankful for vitamin C—I’m going to take some now because a head cold hit me overnight.

My list could go on forever, but we have to leave shortly for Kathmandu and time is limited. Between now and then, I need to shower and get dressed—oh yeah—I’m thankful for a hot shower. And for a change of clothes. And for the breakfast we’ll eat before we leave.

Now it’s your turn

For what are you thankful today?

Know you are loved,


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  1. Good to hear of your trip, Grace! Yes, I sometimes need reminders to be thankful too.
    I tell people to count their blessings, not the candles , on their birthday.

    I heard a sermon on Thanksgiving weekend once with a proposal; how about we complain only once a year and practice gratitude the rest of the time ( instead of the other way around)
    My list of things to be grateful for is also rather ‘endless’. I have had to learn to be grateful when the list seemed rather short . The most constant thing was that God loved me and I was His Child. That He was watching over me and my daughter. ” Great is His Faithfulness” indeed!

    1. You’re right–even when it’s looking dark for us, we can find something for which to be thankful. God’s faithfulness always remains no matter what else happens to us or around us.

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