
Finding Strength When We’re Tired or Afraid

Finding Help and Strength When We’re Tired or Afraid - Grace Fox

For what do you need the Lord’s help? May I encourage you today with God’s truth? Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

So how’s your summer been? Have you had a chance to throw off your usual schedule for a chance to rest and play? I hope so. Rest and play do a body and brain good.

For me, the past four weeks have given me a gift—the opportunity to experience God’s help in new ways.

Bringing God’s Word to Romania and Poland

First, my hubby and I had the privilege of leading a volunteer mission team to Romania where we served youth and young adults living with life-threatening diseases. Two days before that camp ended, we turned over our leadership role to a trusted Canadian couple and then flew to Berlin where we met a second team as they arrived from North America.

With no time to catch our breath between teams, we drove with this group into Poland where we hosted a weeklong evangelistic English-learning camp. The camp schedule was rigorous for staff—up early for prayer meeting, teach an English class, facilitate a Bible lesson, prepare for the next day’s lessons, hike, teach crafts, counsel with those who hurt, play group games, enjoy a fellowship time each evening, and more.

We fell into bed around midnight only to rise again and repeat the next day. In the midst of this, I caught a cold and then developed an eye infection.

Experiencing peace, joy, and strength

Also in the midst of this, I experienced peace. And joy. And a dose of divine strength.

For the first time in nine years of doing these annual outreaches, I didn’t feel exhausted. I didn’t feel as though I had to hide in my room for a few minutes every day to refresh and recover before returning to those I’d come to serve. I didn’t feel drained when camp ended.

For the first time in nine years, I think I’m finally discovering what it means to do life in God’s strength and not my own. It’s hard even to describe except to say that God’s done a turnabout in my thinking.

“Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him and he will help you,” says Psalm 37:5.

Indeed He will.

Committing our work to the LORD

I committed my ministry to the LORD and He helped me. This year I said no to stressing over teaching English effectively, and guess what? Lesson plans fell easily into place, and I had a blast with my class. I also said no to stressing over an ever-changing schedule (due to weather issues mostly), and I was able to roll with the flow.

Now I’m home and preparing to travel to Nepal in 20 days. Another three weeks of ministry in a foreign culture lie ahead. Again, I’m committing everything to the LORD. I’m trusting Him to help me, and He will because He always keeps His promise.

How about you?

For what do you need the Lord’s help? Maybe you’re facing a move before the summer ends. Or you’re starting a new job. Maybe you’re dealing with health issues. Or wondering how to respond to a difficult family relationship.

May I encourage you today with God’s truth?

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

“Jesus, thank You for your presence and power at work in our lives. Please surround my friends with assurance of Your promises today. Help them to release their fears and concerns to You, and to commit everything they do to You. Give them the faith to trust You to work out the details on their behalf. Be their help and strength today. Amen.”

Know you are loved,


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  1. I really enjoyed reading about your trip and the strength you got from the Lord. That is the only thing that has gotten me through the many things I have faced. Blessings as you prepare for your trip to Nepal.

    My son Alberto continues to have serious health concerns. He is in need of gallbladder surgery but has heart and lung problems. They are going to work on the heart issues first and try to hget him stabilized for the other surgery. Please add him to your prayer list. Thanks.

    1. “Dear Father, You know Nancy’s concern for Alberto, and You know his health issues. I ask You to give the doctors wisdom and for a good response to the treatment he’s receiving. Please stabilize his heart issues so the others can be properly and quickly addressed. Help him to rest well, and please give Nancy the peace that passes understanding. Thank You in advance. Amen.”

  2. Awesome message as usual and timely. My husband has been hospitalized for two weeks now and I’ve had to rely on God all the way, and learn more and more to trust in Him. His infection is cleared up now, and wow, just when they told him he could go home, the doctor changed it and said he want s to keep him a few more days……..just to be sure he can manage. We don’t see a problem, and my husband is not overly patient with this at all.
    I appreciate your Scripture verse today, Grace, very much and will pray that God redeem the time…..that He intervene and cause everything to go in order so Dave can come home.

    1. Hi Marge. I’m sorry to hear about Dave’s hospitalization but thankful that he’s received care. Thankful, too, for a doctor who’s not overly anxious to send him home too soon. Blessings to you as you continue this journey.

  3. Grace, you have wisdom……….I have thought about that, too. My husband tends to be very impatient with things, and I tend to lean towards giving in to his whims……………….even if it’s not the best for the situation.
    I don’t want to do that anymore. He’s going to have to practice patience.
    He is home now……..the doctor called and said that he could go home to see how things go, and if all is well, he can stay at home. So far, everything’s good, but his cigarettes have an adverse effect on him. When he smokes, he begins to shake quite a bit, and without them, he’s fine. Wouldn’t you wonder then, why he would begin smoking again?
    Talk about impatience. I’m impatient with that!!!! So I have taken his cigarettes and hidden them. I will not give them to him. Now, we’ll see how that goes. I know that God always knows what’s best…….he has a plan. It’s time for Dave to submit to God, I believe. Thank you, Grace,
    for your attention and help and may God’s blessing reign upon your life again and again and always.

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