
Living with Courage and Confidence

Living with Courage and Confidence - Grace Fox

No matter what our needs are, we can find a biblical promise that applies to it. Based on the certainty of that promise, we can find courage.

What enables us to approach life with courage and confidence when facing challenges and change? I’m convinced that one of the keys is knowing and trusting God’s promises.

Psalm 12:6 says,

“The LORD’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.”

When God makes a promise, He keeps it because He is holy and cannot lie. Granted, He might bring it to pass in a way that looks different from what we imagine, and we might not see its fulfillment in our lifetime. But the fact remains—His promises come true. Of that we can be certain.

Now let’s combine verse 6 with Psalm 12:7.

“The LORD’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. Therefore, LORD, we know you will protect the oppressed, preserving them forever from this lying generation.” (emphasis mine)

These words—“Therefore, LORD, we know you will”—fairly leapt off the page when I read them. Our hope and confidence lies in trusting God’s promises which can never fail. No matter what we face, we know He will always bring them to fruition.

God’s promises

Here’s a prayer I’m praying these days as my hubby and make our transition onto a sailboat:

“Father, thank You for promising to provide all my needs. All Your promises are pure, therefore, I know You will provide me with the physical energy and mental clarity needed to make this move and the numerous details associated with it.”

Here’s a prayer I pray for friends and family who are making important decisions:

“Father, You promise to grant wisdom beyond measure. All Your promises are pure, therefore, I know You will help my loved ones know what to do as they seek Your will in this situation.”

For all who feel worried or anxious:

“Father God, You promise to sustain those who cast their burdens on You. All Your promises are pure, therefore, I know You will strengthen my friends who are feeling anxious today as they give their concerns to You.”

No matter what our needs are, we can find a biblical promise that applies to it. Based on the certainty of that promise, we can find courage and confidence to face it and to expect God to move on our behalf.

How about you?

Consider your circumstances today. What promise applies to them? Write a 2-3 sentence prayer covering your specifics using my prayers above as examples.

Know you are loved,


Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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