Moses, Miracles, and God’s Mind-Boggling Methods

Moses, Miracles, and God's Mind-Boggling Methods - Grace Fox

I don’t understand God’s methods sometimes. They leave me scratching my head. And yet, I need to trust that He is in control, and He’s a lot smarter than I am.

Sometimes God’s methods leave me scratching my head. Take Moses’ story, for example.

The Hebrews had been held in slavery in Egypt for hundreds of years. One day, God decided enough was enough. He could have said the words, “Let my people go,” and softened Pharaoh’s heart to say, “Sure thing, God.” Instead, He hardened Pharaoh’s heart and then devised ten plagues to change his mind. What’s with that?

Exodus 10:1-2 explain God’s methodology:

1Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Return to Pharaoh and make your demands again. I have made him and his officials stubborn so I can display my miraculous signs among them. 2I’ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them—and so you will know that I am the LORD.’”

Why did God choose a mind-boggling method to set His people free?

Because He wanted to show His mighty, miraculous power among those who didn’t acknowledge Him as the true God.

The Egyptians sorcerers were able to copycat some of the same miracles at first, but as the stakes grew higher, God’s one-of-a kind power became more apparent.

Because He wanted the impact of what He did to last for generations to come.

“I’ve done it so you can tell your children and your grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them,” He said. An approach that could be easily explained by human understanding would not have a significant lingering effect.

Because He wanted Moses to know Him as the only true and living God.

Experiencing Him do the impossible would certainly accomplish this feat.

Sometimes I scratch my head at God’s methods in my own life, too

For instance, several months ago I watched a childhood friend suffer with cancer and eventually succumb to the disease. With so many friends and family praying for her healing, why didn’t God simply speak the words, “Be well”? Why did He choose a different method to secure her ultimate healing and allow her to die instead?

Perhaps it’s because my friend’s testimony caused her doctors and nurses to take notice of her faith. Throughout her painful journey, they witnessed her inner strength and peace and joy. They saw her family unite in their sorrow, and they saw them experience hope in the midst of great pain.

The heart-breaking experience allowed my friend’s family to experience God’s faithfulness in a deep and meaningful way, and they continue to experience His faithfulness along their journey of grief. They have come to know God in a new and more intimate way.

I confess that I don’t understand God’s methods sometimes. They leave me scratching my head. And yet, I need to trust that He is in control, and He’s a lot smarter than I am.

Can you relate?

Can you recall a time when God’s methods left you wondering what in the world He was doing?

Know you are loved,


If you’re needing encouragement in a storm right now, or you know someone who does, order a copy of my devotional book, Keeping Hope Alive: Devotions for Strength in the Storm.

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Winner of “Devotional Book of 2022” in the Golden Scroll Awards

Keeping Hope Alive - Grace Fox

If you’re needing encouragement in a storm right now, or you know someone who does, order a copy of my devotional book, Keeping Hope Alive: Devotions for Strength in the Storm.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copy here.

Winner of “Devotional Book of 2022” in the Golden Scroll Awards

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  1. I can definitely recall some times!

    One big one involves my older sister. Both my two sisters and I are adopted. While my little sister and I were adopted at only a day old, my older sister was adopted when she was 3 months. This caused an attachment disorder called RAD-Reactive Attachment Disorder. In its earliest stages, RAD can be reversed. But if it grows into adulthood, it’s much harder to heal.

    We didn’t find out my sister had RAD until she was 18, and by then it was pretty much too late. It makes you wonder: why didn’t God let us know about RAD when she was younger so she could be healed?

    I don’t have the answer to that question, but I do know God is trustworthy. That His plans are to prosper, and not to harm. It can be hard at times to understand God’s methods, but it’s in those times you just have to trust His love and goodness.

    1. That’s a great example, Elizabeth. I wish there was an easy answer to your situation and others like it. Unfortunately that’s not the way life is. Fortunately, having to wrestle with the unknowns is the very thing that keeps us on our knees and admitting our need for God’s closeness.

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