Praying in the Power of Jesus’ Name

Praying in the Power of Jesus' Name - Grace Fox

Because of who Jesus is, praying in His name gives me faith to believe that God will hear and answer in a way that is completely right and in the right timing.

“…the Son is far greater than the angels,
just as the name God gave him is greater than their names.” (Hebrews 1:4)

How do you most often close your prayers? I usually say, “In Jesus name, amen.”

Truth be told, I’m probably guilty of rattling off these words without much thought to their significance. It does me good to pause and to ask, “Why do I pray in Jesus’ name, anyway?”

Here’s the thought that comes to mind in answer to that question:

I pray in Jesus’ name because it encompasses His character, authority and reputation.

Jesus’ name conquers death, overcomes evil, and transforms lives. It grants sight to the blind and enables the lame to leap and dance. In His name, the mute sing and the deaf hear. Broken bodies are healed, and broken hearts find hope.

Acknowledging the power of Jesus’ name erases all doubt when I pray:

“Heavenly Father, chronic pain is causing my friend to lose hope. Surround and fill her with a sense of Your presence and peace. Have mercy on her and heal her, please. I ask You this in Jesus’ name, amen.”

“Dear Lord, the world seems to be going crazy. Amidst heart-stopping news broadcasts, rise up and show Yourself strong. Rush to the rescue of the innocent suffering around the world. Conquer evil once for all. I ask You this in Jesus’ name, amen.”

“Oh God, my children and grandchildren are growing up in a society that gives You little regard. Protect them from the evil one, and teach them Your ways so they can shine as lights in the darkness. I ask You this in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Because of who Jesus is, praying in His name gives me faith to believe that God will hear and answer in a way that is completely right and in the right timing. It bolsters my confidence and fills me with expectant watchfulness.

How about you?

What concerns are on your heart today?

Turn them into a prayer, and bring them to God in Jesus’ name. How does this build your faith?

Check out these references, too — John 14:13-14.

Know you are loved,


About Grace Fox, speaker, author
Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube

There you’ll find exclusive content alongside hope, courage, and transformation through God’s word. All with a dash of adventure!

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