Splashes of Beauty Amidst Chaos

Splashes of Beauty Amidst Chaos - Grace Fox

When you feel surrounded by chaos and uncertainty, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see splashes of beauty in their midst.

My last visit to Nepal was in 2016. One afternoon I walked down a back street gutted with potholes. My path resembled an obstacle course marked with sleeping dogs, a stray cow or two, and random piles of rocks and red bricks. Chaos.

But as I approached a T-intersection, I saw potted flowers teeming with yellow blossoms. Beauty amidst chaos.

Life’s like that sometimes

Relationships break. Health fails. Financial concerns strike. The only certainty is uncertainty.

Our mindset tends to focus on the muddle: Potholes. Random obstructions. Dirt.

Fixating on these things habitually is like extending an open-ended invitation to fear, discouragement, and stress.

May I make a suggestion?

When you feel surrounded by chaos and uncertainty, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see splashes of beauty in their midst. I guarantee you—they’re there.

They might show up in a physical way, like the yellow blossoms I saw on the back street. They may come in someone’s encouraging words. They might be one of God’s promises to give you peace and power when you need it most.

Be intentional and watch for those splashes of beauty. They don’t need to be big to be a blessing.

Tell me:

What splashes of beauty have you already seen?

Know you are loved,


Let’s grab a coffee!

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  1. Hello Grace,
    Yes..I totally get what you are saying about beauty among chaos. Beauty is all around us, every day, if we care to see it. My most impacting memory is from many years ago. I had travelled from Australia (where we have an abundance of beauty) to my home land of England. Landing in London, I had to catch a train out of the city, eventually arriving in the beautiful countryside where my brother lives.
    As we slowly left London, we had to pass through what you could almost call the ‘dark, satanic mills’ of the city. Slum buildings, nothing beautiful about them…but then…a flowering cherry tree stood quietly among the grubbyness, near to the trin lines. It stood out like a beacon of God’s creativity. It was a massive contrast, and I have never forgotten it. The rest of my trainride was filled with the excitement of seeing my brother again and the beautiful flowering cherry.
    Thanks for reminding me to look for God’s creativeness every day. It is a good day, a day He has made, and I shall enjoy every minute of it.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Chris. What a beautiful reminder that God’s creativity and beauty are all around us. So often we miss it because our minds are in other places. Again, thanks for sharing.

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