
The Key to Personal Transformation

The Key to Personal Transformation - Grace Fox

God is all about our becoming new creatures, and that happens when He changes our minds, bringing our thoughts into alignment with His.

Don’t copy the behaviors of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. (Romans 12:2 NLT)

On my fiftieth birthday, the Lord impressed Psalm 23:1 on my mind. His promise to be my Shepherd and to provide all my needs carried and comforted me through the next decade of faith tests.

In January, seven months before that decade closed, He asked me to purge my home and move aboard a sailboat. Doing so was like writing an exam at the end of a long study session.

That’s when head knowledge became heart knowledge

I experienced the truth that joy, contentment, wisdom, peace, freedom—everything I need to live the abundant life—is found in the person of Jesus, my Savior and Shepherd. It has nothing to do with creature comfort.

This week, on my sixtieth, God gave me Romans 12:2. Perhaps more accurately, He sealed it on my heart after bringing it to my attention over and over for the past two years. He’d already placed it before me so markedly that I wrote a First Place 4 Health Bible study based on it.

I know this verse is true

God has already changed my thinking about food and about my body being His temple, and I’ve regained my health as a result.

He’s changed my thinking about the importance of material belongings, and I’ve discovered the freedom of a minimalistic lifestyle as a result.

He’s changed my thinking about someone who deeply wounded me, and I’ve experienced the freedom of forgiveness.

So—what other thinking patterns does He want to change in me? I really have no clue, but I have a hunch I’m about to learn.

This verse is true for you too, my friend

God is all about our becoming new creatures, and that happens when He changes our minds, bringing our thoughts into alignment with His. That’s the key to lasting personal transformation.

How about you?

In what areas of your life do you struggle? What sin hinders you from moving forward? What attitudes and behaviors do you wish you could overcome once and for all?

Seek a quiet place and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal inaccurate thinking patterns about those things. Then ask Him to change your mind by teaching you to think His thoughts. As your thoughts come into alignment with His, lasting personal transformation will come.

Join me on this journey.

If you can identify that area of your life, please feel free to share it with me.

I’ll keep you posted on what areas of my life God is transforming as He renews my mind.

If you haven’t already done so, head over to my FB Author Page and like it, okay? You’ll find lots of spiritual encouragements there. And sign up for my free monthly newsletter to receive inspiration, a great recipe, enter a book draw and more. You can do that on my website.

Know you are loved,


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