
When God’s Purposes Overrule Our Plans

When God’s Purposes Overrule Our Plans - Grace Fox

Sometimes God’s purposes overrule our plans. That happened to me this weekend in a most unexpected way.

I’m a woman who loves to plan far in advance. One glance at my itinerary proves this is true. But guess what? My plans took a sudden twist on Friday evening when I partially ruptured my left Achilles tendon.

I’d experienced pain in both Achilles tendons for years. Tried physiotherapy, orthotics, etc but to no avail. As a last resort, I received a cortisone injection in the bursa in late November. The pain subsided but apparently the cortisone weakened my Achilles, and BAM! After spending 10 hours in the hospital emergency room, I’m in a knee-high cast for the next three months with no weight-bearing.

The bad news

I can do nothing without my family’s help. Can’t even pour myself a glass of water let alone shower or fix a snack. Can’t do the laundry, vacuum, get upstairs to my bedroom. Nothing.

The good news

I have a great family. My husband has the biggest servant’s heart of anyone I know, and my daughter who lives with us is majoring in kinesiology with a goal to become an occupational or physical therapist. I’m an in-house patient.

Besides all that, I serve a God who knew this was coming. Gene and I were supposed to minister in Moscow in March. We hadn’t had time to purchase our visas yet. Good thing, or we would have tanked nearly $500 for naught. We’d already postponed a trip to Nepal in February due to four impending book deadlines.

Now I’ll have lots of time to write and prepare for upcoming speaking engagements. This experience guarantees a ton of fresh fodder for my devotionals and messages. Sigh. Romans 8:28 in the making. Not necessarily the way I would have chosen, but that’s okay.

I sit in bed this morning, leg propped on pillows, and meditate on Proverbs 19:21,

“You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.”

Yes, God’s in control even when circumstances seem out of control. He’s either sovereign or He’s not. I choose to believe the former.

How about you?

Has God ever overruled your plans?

If so, how did you see His purposes prevail? I’d love to hear from you.

Know you are loved,


Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

The news headlines tell us that we’re living in unbelievably chaotic days. My latest devotional books provide biblical hope and encouragement when our minds feel like they’re on overload.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copies here.

Hope Devotionals - Grace Fox

The news headlines tell us that we’re living in unbelievably chaotic days. My latest devotional books provide biblical hope and encouragement when our minds feel like they’re on overload.

Available wherever Christian books are sold or order your autographed copies here.

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  1. Thanks I’m in a pretty impossible situation right now and have to believe that God is in control and will bring us through it.

    1. Hi Ingrid. Hang onto God’s promises to be faithful. Remember He’s all-wise, loving, and powerful. The enemy wants you to doubt Him but don’t fall into his schemes. You are loved!

  2. I LOVE this! Thank you for your steadfast perspective without the “oh, Jesus come help me, where are you, why did you let this happen?” Not that those are bad, just misguided (as I’ve learned! LOL!) . This post reminds me to say “Hmmmm. Thanks for the interruption. You’ve got this.” and carry on with last directions He gave. I really appreciate your living reminder! 😉

    1. Sometimes the things we consider “interruptions” aren’t interruptions in God’s eyes. They’re exactly what He knew would happen. 🙂

  3. Grace,
    His grace is enough – I hear you and will continue to pray for you to keep that foremost in your mind. After Wayne had his car accident last year I know he felt a similar “plans change”. It has taken him a year to recoup, get his mind over hesitancy in driving and begin again. Last year was the year of TRUST. Trusting in Him to always lead the way.

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