
A Desperate Prayer for a World Gone Mad

A Desperate Prayer for a World Gone Mad - Grace Fox

Folks, let’s admit our inability to figure out life on our own. Let’s humble ourselves before God. Let’s acknowledge our dependence upon Him.

I’d be amiss today if I blogged about anything but this week’s tragedies. My mind can’t fathom the scope of what’s happened in Orlando. First the mass shooting and then the alligator attack. I find it difficult to even type these words. Something inside me recoils.

Everyone’s asking the same questions: Why so many recent mass shootings in the USA? Why so many shootings in general? Today I heard a report that said 125 individuals—totally apart from Orlando’s incident—have died from gunshot wounds since Sunday.

People cast blame and point fingers. One guy says it’s Obama’s fault because his foreign policy stinks. Another says the gun control laws are to blame. Someone else says the FBI dropped the ball when they failed to track Mateen.

Recognize the real enemy

Perhaps each speculation contains a shred of truth. But in the midst of the war of words, let’s remember this:

“We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

The devil is real, and he’s on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy. Nothing’s changed in that regard. He’s been at it since the Garden of Eden. And he’s duped mankind into believing his lies since then too.

One of his lies says truth is subjective. “Whatever feels right to you is okay,” he snivels. When society believes this lie, people make up their own rules and do whatever they want. If they want to open fire and slaughter dozens of people, who’s to say it’s wrong? If truth is subjective, then no absolutes exist. And chaos reigns.

I’m weary of the rhetoric

I’m tired of people asking what the problem is. It’s clear—the problem is evil in man’s heart. We’ve turned our backs on God and His instructions for living well.

We’ve made ourselves out to be god instead, establishing our own rules for life (Romans 1:21-25).

Trouble is—our rules do not work. Try as we might, our way of doing things is literally killing us.

The root problem is sin. We’ve wandered away from God’s instructions as given in the Holy Bible, and we’re paying the consequences. Sounds bleak, yes?

But wait—there’s hope

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their land,” says the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT).

Folks, let’s admit our inability to figure out life on our own. Let’s humble ourselves before God. Let’s acknowledge our dependence upon Him for forgiveness from our sin and our need for His power and presence in our lives. He promises to hear our prayers and to heal our land, but He waits for us to take the first step.

Let’s pray

“Oh mighty God of heaven and earth. We cry out for mercy on our land. Forgive us for turning away from You. Forgive us for thinking we can do life our own way, according to our own truth. It’s clearly not working. Please flood us with a renewed understanding of who You are. Flood our nations with a glimpse of Your holiness and glory, and turn our hearts back to You. We fight not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil, and we cannot flight this battle on our own. We desperately need You, God. Come to our rescue. Come, and crush Satan’s head. Come, and breathe life and hope and healing into a desperate world. In the power of Your Son’s holy name, amen.”

Know you are loved,


Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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Moving From Fear to Freedom - Grace Fox

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  1. I won’t mince words either! God’s Word is Truth! I’m fully in agreement with you (and God) on this, Grace! I stood this ground after these incidents too, and I honestly had some family members give me “looks that could(almost)kill”). Wow……..I began to pray openly immediately and two left the room while I was praying……….I’m not backing down; God never backed down or gave up on me. Oh, these Scriptures are so true and Lord of Lords, the world is going to have to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and be redeemed through His blood, and reconciled to God the Father. Yes! it’s time to face the Truth!!!!!!
    Wake up people!

  2. Forgive me (and correct me, if need be), but I am also wondering 1. Why was a little two-year-old wandering in water in a place where alligators are known to be, but also, he’s only two……..why was he in the water? (the parents weren’t, by the sounds of it. 2. Why would the Disney World have such a risk and danger just near a big Vacation Hotel? When I read it, none of it made sense to me……………………….still doesn’t………….am I missing something? Certain types of gators drown their victim first and don’t eat it til it’s partially rotting……….they found the boy’s body in tact but he had drowned, of course. One way to keep a little person from drowning in water, is to keep him out of the water, and near the parents.
    An alligator will strike when it hears and sees something splish-splashing around in the water, and it might not even know what it is. Best to not be strolling in water in a place where Alligators live.

    1. Hi Marge:

      These are the same questions posed by the media last week. I agree–why was a warning sign not posted? I believe there was a “No Swimming” sign on the beach, but why not say there’s a danger of alligators in the water? Perhaps a sign like that would scare away the tourists. If that’s the case, then no signage is about profit margin.

      One thought about why a toddler was walking in the water. His family was probably enjoying an evening stroll, enjoying the coolness of the water after a hot day. Remember that they were from Nebraska. I’ll bet alligators weren’t even on their radar.

      Years ago I attended several writers conferences in Florida. Fellow conferees from that area warned me to stay away from ditches (where there was water sitting in them) or even a walk in the park behind my hotel (there was a little pond). They said alligators could show up anywhere and to be alert. I listened!

  3. The boy was in the alligator’s territory, but the shooter in the Night Club was completely “out of line”. If he wanted to go to the Night Club, he should have gone with the intention of bringing the Love of Jesus, but not Hell to the people there. We can see what he needed…….Jesus Christ…………..but it’s all summed up in the Scriptures you gave in the beginning, Grace; “If my people……………..etc. We feel so badly for those who were killed and injured, but we also see the need for more prayer to be done for every community, and especially, “IN” every community. There must be Christians in Orlando. However, some of us will be praying, because we’re supposed to, and God rewards obedience to Him. You see how easy it is to blame the governing body; President, Manager, Pastor, whatever, but the sins of the people are theirs to repent of and get straight with God. All important to pray for our Leaders. Yes, God heal our Land………..and let us all do our part to help get that started!!!!! II Chronicles 7:14

  4. Oh yes, and Grace, I took note of that wonderful prayer that you sent to us; Thank-you. It is a wonderful guideline for our prayers and a good solid prayer in itself. Glory to God.

  5. Grace, I’m glad you listened to that warning when you were attending a conference awhile back. Yes, so dangerous, a preditor hiding in just a little water……unseen……..and so close…..so still…..just waiting………

    Grace, I tell you, all of us were praying the prayer that you sent, more than once, after it was publicized that the “Gay Pride” parade is to take place right here in our town soon, and our MP has given a public statement that he will not attend or have anything to do with this “community” of people (LGBTQ). He and his family are Christians. He gave them freeway to arrange and have their parade, but he will not attend. He asked them to respect his view as much as “they” wish for others to respect their views. I pray that he will never let down or turn his back on the Word of God. I will stand with God’s Word. His truth. Therefore, we don’t have to fight, but pray, and trust that our God who said that Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, will fight that battle for us, and send his message and angels out to render helpless, the hearts and minds of those who need him, so that he may reveal Himself to them, and that they may like little children, come to Him and be set free, and know the Father’s Love, and be at perfect Peace lacking nothing, but inheriting the Kingdom of God for eternity.
    I’m so thankful for that prayer and will continue in it.

    Just imagine a people group, overcome with conditions likened unto Sodom and Gommorah, cleansed and set free, and coming into the Kingdom of Light, because of one Man’s perfect obedience that day on the Cross at Calvary. It is finished. May we all be as faithful in doing our small part, which God has given each of us.

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