Don’t Listen to the Liar’s Words

Go Away, Liar - Grace Fox

Everything Satan whispers or shouts is a lie because he’s a liar. We needn’t give him one ounce of attention. Rather, let’s fill our minds with the truth.

“You’ll never get it right!”

“There’s no way God can possibly forgive you again.

“You want to do what? You can’t do that. You’re neither smart enough nor skilled enough.“

Oh, how Satan enjoys hurling statements like these at us.

He crafts his words to condemn us, and sadly, he often accomplishes his mission. When we lend him our ear, we fall into shame and self-blame. We fixate on our failures. We berate ourselves, doubt our worth, and question our purpose.

Romans 8:1 says,

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”

So, unlike Satan, the Holy Spirit speaks words of life and truth over us. Granted, He may need to correct or convict us at times, but His manner is never mean or insulting. With gentleness He teaches and affirms us.

He sounds more like this…

“You may have not succeeded today, but tomorrow brings another opportunity to try again.”

“I love you, My child. I will forgive the moment you confess.”

“You bring Me great delight. You matter a great deal to Me.”

Everything Satan whispers or shouts is a lie because he’s a liar by nature.

We needn’t give him one ounce of attention. Rather, let’s fill our minds with the truth and, in doing so, deflect his deadly lies meant to wound us.

The next time Satan tries to hurl condemnation your way, remind him that there is no condemnation for those who know Jesus as Savior. Recall the truth, and tell him to get lost. He has no right invading your space, robbing your peace, or stealing your joy.

How about you?

What words does Satan use to try to condemn you?

Know you are loved,


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  1. Sometimes Satan says, “You say God loves you?” If He loves you, why are you suffering with cancer (or whatever the illness is)? How could a loving God inflict you with such a thing as that? — It is wonderful to know, however, that we have a good, good Father, and a loving Saviour who lavishes His love upon us. He knows what He is doing when circumstances like these come into our lives. It is then that we can simply trust and hope in Him, knowing He knows best, — so much better than we do; we don’t fully understand, but He does and that is enough for me!

  2. Hi Patricia. Thanks so much for leaving this comment. You’re right–Satan can so easily cause us to doubt God’s intent toward us when we suffer. That’s why knowing the truth about God’s nature is so important. I know that you know this firsthand!

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